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Research in Action Awards 2024

TAG Calls for Coordinated Global Response to Mpox Emergency

Target TB Regimen Profiles – WHO

Guided Tour of Peter Hujar’s “Rialto” Exhibit for AIDS Activists

Give Now and Have Your Donation Doubled

Call for New Global Long Acting Technologies CAB Members

Proposed Funding Cuts to Key Health Programs

TAG Statement About World Hepatitis Day

TAG Elects Three New Board Members

2023 Annual Report

Expanding Inclusion in Long-Acting HIV Treatment Trials

TAG’s Pride Health Fair in LGBTQ Nation

Open Position: Administrative Coordinator

Call for New Global TB CAB Members

TAG Calls on Danaher to Drop Price of GeneXpert Tests

Independent Panel Progress Report on Global Pandemic Preparedness + Response

Blog entry explaining June 17 Cure Trials Update

Open Letter to Médecins Sans Frontières

TAG Statement on Lenacapavir PrEP

Frequently Asked Questions on Microarray Patches (MAPs)

SMART4TB Webinar: Pregnant People in TB Research

HIV & Aging Section

TAG Comment at the UN High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance Hearing

Mike Frick Comments at WHO Director General’s TB Vaccine Accelerator Council

AVAC Webinar: SMART4TB Model of Community Participation in Research

Lizzy Lovinger to UN: AMR Response Must Include DR-TB

Statement: TAG Calls on NY City Council to Override Cuts to NYC HIV Funding

Director of Development Job Post

Webinar: Community Engagement on Microarray Patches

Administrator Job Post

TB Diagnostics Webinar

ANEA Congressional Briefing on Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE)

Video: How to Give Child-Friendly TPT to Kids

Preferences of Patients and Providers on Malaria Chemoprevention

IMPAACT4TB Community Statement on Child-Friendly Rifapentine

Why Hepatitis C Virus Care Remains Inaccessible

1/4/6×24 Mid-Campaign Report Launch Webinar

Danaher/Cepheid Time for $5 Petition

Getting Better Faster – Delivering on the Promise of New TB Treatments

Endorse the TB Vax ARM Wins

Webinar: 1/4/6×24 Mid-Campaign Report

ANEA Webinar: Texas Strike Force’s Success Story and Strategies for State-Level Impact

National Coalition for LGBTQ Health webinar

2024 CROI Tuberculosis Research Roundup

Webinar: Navigating Change: Implementing Long-Lasting Injectable PrEP Treatment and the Evolution of Clinical Protocols

Policy Issue Briefs: BARDA and ARPA-H

UN Human Rights Council Presentation on the Right to Participate in Science

Mike Frick Quoted in ReliefWeb

HPV Awareness Day Call to Action

Pipeline 2023

TPT Community Materials

TB Vax 101 Webinar in English

TB Vax 101 вебинар на русском языке

Webinar: Effective Approaches to Engaging HIV Positive Homeless Populations

Research Toward a Cure Trials

TAG Announces New Board Leadership

Melissa Barber and TAG re: J&J on Twitter/X

TAG Statement on 2024 National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

DOJ + HHS Letter to State Medicaid Programs on HCV Treatment

TAG + ITPC TB Discussion at Union Conference

TAG’s HIV Basic Science, Vaccines, and Cure Project Blog

NOW Is the Time for Hepatitis C Virus Elimination

TAG Update December 2023

Statement on H56:Ic31 IIb Trial Results

Give Now — Ensure That We Can Continue Our Work

In Memoriam – Nancy Brooks Brody

Webinar Recording: Community Update on AbbVie’s HIV Cure Research Program

Communities as Actors in the Research and Development Process

TB CAB Comment on Expanding Treatment for DR-TB

Moulin Rouge! The Musical Sings for TB Elimination

2023 Report on TB Research Funding Trends

TAGline Issue #1, February 18, 1992

Demographics of Participation in HIV Cure-Related Research

Submission on the Right to Access and Take Part in Scientific Progress

Long-Acting TB Treatment Survey

An Activist’s Guide to Shorter Treatment for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Stigma Conference Registration

Activism Delivers Unprecedented Victories in TB Testing and Treatment Access

Treatment Action Group Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza to Protect Health and Lives

TAG Condemns GSK Actions Surrounding Potential TB Vaccine Revealed by Bombshell ProPublica Report

Lizzy Lovinger Interviewed about TB in NYC on WCBS Radio New York

October 2023 TAGline: Lost in Translation

Elizabeth Lovinger Quoted in Politico

Mike Frick in ProPublica

TAG Reacts to J&J Commitment to Not Enforce Patents on Bedaquiline

Research in Action Awards (RIAA) 2023

Video: TAG’s David Branigan at the UN HLM

TAG Response to TB Preventive Therapy Price Cut Announcement from USAID and PEPFAR

Statement: At UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on TB, 1/4/6 Campaign Calls on Political Leaders

Far Off Track: Funding for TB Research, 2018-2022

TAG Reaction to the Price of GeneXpert Tests

Webinar – HCV Elimination Among People Living with and at Risk of HIV: Challenges and Opportunities

September 2023 Issue of Public Health Action

Moulin Rouge! The Musical Fundraiser for TB Elimination Fundraiser

Cure Trials Update

Information Note: New Fair Share Funding Targets for TB Research

TAG Mourns the Loss of Dr. Stephaun Wallace

The Lancet: Diagnostics to Support the Scaling Up of Shorter, Safer TB Regimens

TAG Welcomes Addition of Ravidasvir to WHO Essential Medicines List for Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus

Open Letter: Requesting Clarification on the Recent Deal on Generic Bedaquiline Supply

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