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CUREiculum 2.0: Analytical Treatment Interruptions (ATI) Module

  • Dorrit Walsh

Some HIV cure research studies ask participants to temporarily stop antiretroviral therapy, which is referred to as an analytical treatment interruption (ATI). This module explains the use of ATIs in HIV cure research and covers what is currently known about…

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CUREiculum 2.0: HIV Persistence Module

  • Dorrit Walsh

An overview of current knowledge regarding how HIV persists in the body despite suppression of viral load by antiretroviral therapy. Understanding the mechanisms by which HIV persists is considered key to developing curative interventions that would prevent the virus rebounding…

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CUREiculum 2.0: HIV Cure-Related Strategies Module

  • Dorrit Walsh

Scientists are pursuing multiple approaches with the aim of developing interventions capable of curing HIV or keeping HIV durably suppressed in the absence of antiretroviral therapy. This module provides an overview of the many strategies that are currently under investigation…

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CUREiculum 2.0: Ethical Considerations for HIV Cure Research Module

  • Dorrit Walsh

Ethics are a cornerstone of all scientific research, providing principles by which studies should be conducted to ensure that participants are properly informed and that any risks are justified and acceptable. This module provides background on research ethics and covers…

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cover of TAG update 2021

2021 TAG Update

  • Dorrit Walsh
As we look forward to an end of an extremely challenging year—and past four years—we reflect on the remarkable resilience and impact of TAG, even and especially in these dark times.
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Cover of Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends, 2005 - 2020. Cover illustration is a sheet of stamps. one says Institut pasteur, 1921-2021, le vaccin protege bcg vaccine protects. the second says 2021, invest in new end TB vaccines, 2030

2021 Report on TB Research Funding Trends

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG’s latest report on global funding for TB research and development (R&D), published in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership, presents new data on TB R&D funding in 2020 and analyzes trends in funding since 2005.
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Story: HIV Short Film, “Right To Try”

  • Dorrit Walsh

December 2021 Update, June 2022: The purported researcher responsible for the experiment described in this film, Serhat Gumrukcu, was indicted for murder-for-hire at the end of May 2022. The case is ongoing. In parallel, two independent investigations by financial media…

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