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HIV & Aging

  • Chad Cipiti
A resource listing of articles, reports, websites, and ongoing clinical trials related to HIV and aging.
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Cover of Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends 2005-2018

2019 Report on TB Research Funding Trends

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG’s latest report on global funding for TB research and development (R&D), published in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership, presents new data on TB R&D funding in 2018 and analyzes trends in funding since 2005.
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Treatment Action Group Applauds Indian TB Activists in Opposing Patents for Critical TB Prevention Drugs

  • Dorrit Walsh
Treatment Action Group (TAG) applauds the legal actions undertaken by our colleagues from the Delhi Network of Positive People (DNP+) and tuberculosis (TB) survivor and activist Ganesh Acharya of Mumbai, with support from the Third World Network (TWN), contesting two patent applications on combinations of two decades-old TB medicines filed in India by French pharmaceutical company Sanofi.
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Story: American Gene Technologies HIV Gene Therapy

  • Dorrit Walsh

November 2019 Examples of media coverage:  Gene Tech Company Claims to Have Found a Cure for HIV/AIDS – NewNowNext, November 8, 2019 Researchers believe they’ve found the cure for HIV/AIDS – Pink News, November 8, 2019 Research Lab Believes They Have HIV/AIDS Cure – Instinct Magazine,…

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Activist Guide to Hepatitis C Virus Diagnostics report cover

Activist Guide to Hepatitis C Virus Diagnostics

  • Chad Cipiti
The purpose of this new publication is to provide information for you and your community. The Activist Guide aims to provide a deeper focus on diagnosis with updated information about the steps and different technologies involved in diagnosing a person with hepatitis C.
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