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Make a Gift of Stock: Unlock the Power of Your Investments

  • Dorrit Walsh

By making a gift of stock to Treatment Action Group (TAG), you have the opportunity to support our life-saving work while also receiving valuable benefits for yourself. Whether you purchased the stock at a lower price or it has appreciated…

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Report cover that reads" Pipeline Report 2023. Pipeline report is white text, and 2023 is gray. The main cover is black with a graphic of blue wavy lines

2023 Pipeline Report

  • Dorrit Walsh
Pipeline Report provides an overview of research and provides an overview of research and development of innovations for diagnosing, preventing, treating, and curing HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and tuberculosis (TB).
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Cover of TAG's 2022 Annual Report. Progress in the Fight for Better Treatment, Prevention, A Vaccine, and a Cure for HIV, Tuberculosis, and Hepatitis C Virus.

2022 Annual Report

  • Dorrit Walsh
As we close another year of unprecedented challenges and achievements, I'm honored to share with you Treatment Action Group's (TAG) 2022 Annual Report.
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The ABC for a TB Activist: 1/4/6×24 Campaign and Supportive Diagnostics

  • Dorrit Walsh
On 15 June, 2023, TB Europe Coalition (TBEC) organized a webinar featuring a presentation by Treatment Action Group’s TB Project Officer, David Branigan, on the practical actions advocates can take to promote the adoption and scale up of shorter, safer 1/4/6 regimens for TB prevention and the treatment of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB as well as supportive diagnostics.
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