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ANEA Response to Guardian Article on Gov. Rick Scott’s Rejection of $70 Million in Federal Funding to Fight Florida’s HIV/AIDS Crisis

  • Dorrit Walsh
The Act Now End AIDS coalition is deeply troubled by the contents of Ben Ryan’s September 11 Guardian article “'Rick Scott had us on lockdown:' how Florida said no to $70m for HIV crisis." The article, which reflects four years of investigative journalism by Ryan with additional reporting by Noah Pransky, paints a detailed picture of how Florida’s then-governor, Rick Scott, refused Medicaid expansion and federal dollars to fight the epidemic from 2015-2017
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TAG Recommendations on Clinical Trials Network Restructuring

  • Chad Cipiti

Treatment Action Group outlines issues of concern and questions about network restructuring research priorities and network structure. Jan 4, 2011 - Treatment Action Group ( is an independent AIDS research and policy think tank fighting for better treatment, a vaccine,…

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