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Covers of the two nitrosamines publications on this page.

Nitrosamines and TB Medicines Information Note and Patient FAQs

  • Dorrit Walsh

In 2020, health authorities and drug manufacturers identified a type of chemical impurity called nitrosamines in rifampicin and rifapentine, two essential medicines used in the treatment and prevention of TB. TAG and IMPAACT4TB project partners have developed several materials to…

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1/4/6×24 Campaign Videos

  • Dorrit Walsh

All people affected by TB have a right to benefit from scientific progress and to access the best-available short-course regimens for TB prevention and treatment. The 1/4/6x24 Campaign demands that countries and other duty bearers take action to implement the…

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For World TB Day, TB Advocates Demand Universal Access to Shorter, Safer TB Regimens

  • Dorrit Walsh
On March 24, World Tuberculosis (TB) Day offers an opportunity to take stock of global progress against the deadliest disease in human history. This year, we face a sobering reality: since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of TB infection and death are higher than they’ve been since the early 2000s, setting back an already woefully inadequate effort to end the disease.
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1 / 4 / 6 x 24

  • Dorrit Walsh
Inspired by the legacy of Dr. Paul Farmer, the 1 / 4 / 6 x 24 Campaign calls for the “staff, stuff, space, systems and support” necessary to make groundbreaking short-course TB prevention and treatment regimens accessible to all who need them as a human right by the end of 2024.
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Image of the front of December 2022 TAG Update

2022 TAG Update

  • Dorrit Walsh
As we look forward to an end of an extremely challenging year—and past four years—we reflect on the remarkable resilience and impact of TAG, even and especially in these dark times.
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Response to Tuberculosis Treatment Trials Results Published and Presented During the 2022 Union World Conference on Lung Health

  • Dorrit Walsh
Treatment Action Group (TAG) and the Global Tuberculosis Community Advisory Board (TB CAB) welcome the clinical trials results recently published and presented during the 2022 Union World Conference on Lung Health, which evaluated shorter regimens and treatment shortening strategies for drug-sensitive and drug-resistant tuberculosis.
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