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Treatment Action Group Applauds Indian TB Activists in Opposing Patents for Critical TB Prevention Drugs

  • Dorrit Walsh
Treatment Action Group (TAG) applauds the legal actions undertaken by our colleagues from the Delhi Network of Positive People (DNP+) and tuberculosis (TB) survivor and activist Ganesh Acharya of Mumbai, with support from the Third World Network (TWN), contesting two patent applications on combinations of two decades-old TB medicines filed in India by French pharmaceutical company Sanofi.
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National TB Checklist

  • Chad Cipiti

Access to quality diagnosis, treatment, and prevention for tuberculosis (TB) is a human right. Are the necessary tests, treatments, vaccines, services and policies available where you live or work? This new checklist from Treatment Action Group (TAG) lays out simply…

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TB Activist Toolkits

  • Chad Cipiti

TAG's TB Activist Toolkits provide fundamental information about tuberculosis (TB) in order to strengthen global advocacy and understanding of the latest innovations, evidence, and guidance around TB and TB/HIV. These toolkits cover important base knowledge on TB and TB/HIV, as well…

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