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TAG’s Policy on Managing Conflicts of Interest

August 19, 2019 TAG maintains a policy of a strict firewall between funding received and the stances we take or positions for which we advocate. At times, this has resulted in TAG losing support from certain funders, which we accept as part of the cost of staying true to our mission and values, and acting…

TAG Calls on Danaher to Drop the Prices of GeneXpert Tests and Make the Cost Audit Public

Statement / Press • 2024
Treatment Action Group (TAG) calls on Danaher to lower the price of GeneXpert tests for tuberculosis (TB) and other diseases to $5 each in accordance with publicly available evidence of the cost of manufacturing and to commit to public transparency of the cost audit of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra.

Treatment Action Group Statement on Lenacapavir PrEP: Getting from Efficacy to Access Requires Generic Licensing and Cost Reductions

Statement / Press • 2024
Treatment Action Group (TAG) welcomes the news that the long-acting injectable HIV capsid inhibitor lenacapavir has proven efficacious at preventing HIV acquisition among young women and adolescent girls in South Africa and Uganda.

Call For New Global TB CAB Members

Page • 2024On behalf of the Global Tuberculosis Community Advisory Board (TB CAB), we're excited to announce a call for new member applications.

Director of Development

Page • 2024Treatment Action Group (TAG) seeks a dynamic, motivated, and skilled individual to become its Director of Development supporting the organization as it continues to grow.

TAG Reaction to the Price of GeneXpert Tests

Statement / Press • 2023
Following intense pressure from TB-affected communities and civil society, Danaher’s price reduction of Xpert tests for TB and resistance to rifampicin (MTB/RIF Ultra) from $9.98 to $7.97 is a significant step forward that will help increase access to a lifesaving TB test and support countries to make progress toward closing major gaps in TB diagnosis.

TAG Applauds Price Reduction of Molbio’s Truenat Diagnostics for Tuberculosis

Statement / Press • 2023
Treatment Action Group (TAG) applauds Molbio’s agreement with the Stop TB Partnership, USAID, and the Global Fund to reduce the price of Truenat diagnostic tests for tuberculosis (TB) from US$9 per test to $7.90 per test and to provide quality service and maintenance of Truenat testing instruments globally.

Beyond Intellectual Property: Why Is Generic Treatment for HCV Still So Hard to Get

TAGline • 2023
By Joelle Dountio Ofimboudem and Sara Helena Gaspar Background Intellectual property is a major barrier to access to medicines worldwide because it creates corporate monopolies that restrict supply, keep prices high, and prevent people from accessing innovative health products. However, in the context of hepatitis C virus (HCV), intellectual property is no longer the major…


Statement / Press • 2023
Three recent announcements of tuberculosis (TB) medicine and diagnostics price reductions access will enable millions more people to receive TB preventive therapy, and to be tested and treated for TB. Announced alongside the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis (TB) in September, these victories across the cascade of TB care were the result of years of targeted, spirited, and informed mobilization from the TB community.

TAG Condemns GSK Actions Surrounding Potential TB Vaccine Revealed by Bombshell ProPublica Report

Statement / Press • 2023
TAG is appalled by the revelations set forth in Anna Marie Barry-Jester’s deeply reported investigation for ProPublica, “How a Big Pharma Company Stalled a Potentially Lifesaving Vaccine in Pursuit of Bigger Profits,” published online October 4.
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