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HCV Global Access Webinars Series

Webinars • 2015
  December 8, 2015 DOWNLOAD: HCV Webinar #1: The Cost of Production for HCV Treatment Slides Presenter: Dr. Andrew Hill, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Liverpool University, United Kingdom Description: New HCV drugs, called direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), are too expensive. Generic DAAs will be key to provide universal access to treatment for millions…

Olysio Fact Sheet

Publication • 2015
Olysio (simeprevir) is an HCV-fighting drug. It must be used with other drugs to treat hepatitis C. In the United States, Olysio is approved for people with hepatitis C genotype 1 who are over 18 years old.

Don’t forget treatment on World Hepatitis Day

Statement / Press • 2015
On World Hepatitis Day 2015, as the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes prevention, the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) and Treatment Action Group urge pharmaceutical companies and the governments of middle-income countries to act now to facilitate access to treatment for all people with hepatitis C virus (HCV), to avoid needless deaths from HCV complications and to prevent new infections.

An HIV Cure and a Vaccine within the Next 15 Years?

TAGline • 2015
Optimism is not without merit, but the science remains incredibly fragile By Richard Jefferys We’re pretty optimistic in this 15-year period we will get those two new tools. —Bill Gates, World Economic Forum, January 23, 2015 Earlier this year, Bill Gates caused a ripple in the media by expressing optimism that a vaccine and a…

Toward an Ambitious National HIV/AIDS Strategy

TAGline • 2015
We won’t end HIV as an epidemic with anemic goals, delayed surveillance data, feeble support of state policies and resource needs, and an inadequate implementation science agenda By Kenyon Farrow The U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) ends its five-year run at the end of 2015 with mixed results. Due to long gaps in HIV surveillance…

Governor Cuomo’s Ending the Epidemic Task Force Completes Plan to End AIDS in NY State by 2020

Statement / Press • 2015
Today the Ending the Epidemic Task Force, convened by the New York State Department of Health (DOH) at the behest of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, completed its comprehensive, rigorous, and unprecedented Plan to End AIDS in New York State by 2020.

Hepatitis C Pipeline: BONANZA! The Gold Rush Is Under Way

Pipeline • 2014
July 2014 By Tracy Swan BONANZA! The Gold Rush Is Under Way The direct-acting antiviral (DAA) era officially began in late 2013, with approval of the first all-oral treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes 2 and 3. A hefty pipeline will increase HCV treatment options, especially for people with genotype 1, by mid-to-late 2014.…

Activists Hold Die-In to Protest High Price of Gilead’s Hepatitis C Drug

Statement / Press • 2014
Treatment activists at the 20th International AIDS Conference held a die-in to protest the exorbitant pricing of Sovaldi (sofosbuvir), Gilead’s new hepatitis C virus (HCV) drug. As Gregg Alton, Gilead’s Executive Vice President of Corporate and Medical Affairs, spoke, activists brought him a liver on a silver platter while chanting “Pills Cost Pennies, Greed Costs Lives,” “Shame, Shame, Shame,” and “Pharma Greed Kills.”

Better Late Than Never: Efavirenz Dose Optimization

TAGline • 2014
After a study suggests that we’ve been using too high a dose of efavirenz for a decade and a half, the move toward scaling up a lower and more cost-effective one faces some hurdles By Tim Horn and Polly Clayden Fifteen years after efavirenz was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for…

Global Update: Hepatitis C Treatment Activism

Pipeline • 2014
By Karyn Kaplan and Tracy Swan How can governments and donors effectively address HCV if pharma refuses to drop drug prices?   —Paata Sabelashvili, Activist, Georgian Harm Reduction Network Keeping up with the rapid pace of hepatitis C drug development, activists across the world are educating communities, working with national governments, and pressuring the United…
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