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Flatlined: U.S. Government Investments in Tuberculosis Research and Development, 2009–2012

Publication • 2014
March 2014 By Mike Frick Introduction The goal of eliminating tuberculosis (TB) as a public health threat in the United States is under threat. In 1989, the U.S. government committed to ending the TB epidemic through the formation of a national TB elimination plan.1 Since then, the heart of the U.S. strategy for domestic TB…

The Cost of Flat Funding for Biomedical Research

Publication • 2013
August 12, 2013 β€œThe Costs of Flat Funding for Biomedical Research,” an issue brief prepared by the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) in collaboration with TAG, examines the declining purchasing value of public funding for health research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the impact this has on public health, scientific progress, US…

Low- and Middle-Income Countries Defuse Hepatitis C, the β€œViral Time Bomb”

Pipeline • 2013
June 2013 By Karyn Kaplan As rich countries prepare for a hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment revolution, people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) remain without access to information, prevention tools, diagnostics, care, and treatment. A growing movement of global activists is responding to this crisis. They are demanding access to affordable, quality drugs and…

amfAR TAG – The Costs of Flat Funding NIH Research

PDF • 2013
amfAR TAG - The Costs of Flat Funding NIH Research

Letter Urging UNITAID to Prioritize HIV/HCV Coinfection

Letters • 2013
TAG and 134 other organizations sent this letter to underscore the need for a swift response from UNITAID to hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection; delays will cost lives and impede scale-up when more effective and tolerable therapies are available.

Retrofitting for Purpose: Treatment Optimization

Pipeline • 2013
June 2013 By Polly Clayden Last year’s Pipeline Report saw the addition of a new chapter exploring research into antiretroviral treatment optimization. This strategy includes the optimization of approved compounds, and possible future opportunities with those in late-stage development. This 2013 chapter is largely an update from the original one, as the goals and target…

Tenefovir Alafenamide Fumarate (TAF) Sign-On Letter to Gilead

Letters • 2013
TAG and Other Orgs Issued this letter to Gilead about TAF.

The Antiretroviral Pipeline

Pipeline • 2013
June 2013 By Simon Collins and Tim Horn NOTE: a postscript section at the end of this article includes periodic updates since publication in June 2013. Introduction The model of pricing newly approved antiretrovirals (ARVs) higher than current drugs is increasingly difficult to sustain, even in a purely commercial context. The largest market for new…

Seven Ways to Speed Up the Pipeline

Pipeline • 2013
June 2013 By Polly Clayden and Mark Harrington This chapter will discuss how to get the best drugs to the most people as quickly as possible; this requires that the compounds and combination products be: Discovered and developed in a high-quality research program; Approved by a national or multinational regulatory authority; Recommended by national or…

Letter to Secretary Sebelius on ACA Allowance of Drug Co-Pay Programs

Letters • 2013
167 Organizations and 513 Individuals Signed on to Letter to Secretary Sebelius on the Allowance of Co-pay Assistance in the ACA Health Plans
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