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Are We There Yet? TB Preventive Treatment Beyond TB/HIV Integration

TAGline • 2023
By Lynette Mabote-Eyde and Mike Frick Too often, major scientific advancements against tuberculosis (TB) get lost on the long and winding road of policy translation into practice. TB preventive treatment (TPT) has faced decades of dislocation between progressive global World Health Organization (WHO) guidance and lagging national-level guidelines and programmatic implementation. In some places, however,…

New TAG Analysis: Nearly All Countries “Far Off Track” of Meeting TB Research Targets Despite Publicly Reaffirming Commitments at UN

Statement / Press • 2023
As international dignitaries and political leaders gather in New York City this week for the United Nations High-Level Meeting (HLM) on TB, a sobering new analysis from Treatment Action Group (TAG) shows that governments failed to meet previous commitments to fund TB research.

At This Week’s UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis, the 1/4/6×24 Campaign Calls on Political Leaders to Take Urgent Action for Equitable Access to Shorter, Safer TB Regimens

Statement / Press • 2023
Ahead of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on the Fight Against Tuberculosis, the 1/4/6x24 Campaign is sounding the alarm that the political declaration commits neither the funding nor the actions needed to expand access to the best-available TB regimens and diagnostics.

TAG Encouraged by J&J Deal to Reduce Bedaquiline Prices, but Company’s Action Falls Short of Community Demands

Statement / Press • 2023
After over a year of sustained advocacy from the TB community demanding that Johnson & Johnson publicly commit to non-enforcement or withdrawal of secondary patents on bedaquiline filed in 66 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)...

New Rifapentine Formulations at New Prices: No Excuses for Not Scaling-Up TB Preventive Treatment

Statement / Press • 2022
We, the undersigned civil society and community-based organizations, welcome the announcement by Unitaid and its partners that they have reached an agreement with Lupin Limited and Macleods Pharmaceuticals to introduce two formulations of rifapentine at competitive prices.

Activists Across the World Demand Urgent Action to Improve Access to Lifesaving Tuberculosis (TB) Medicine, Bedaquiline

Statement / Press • 2022
A new generic version of bedaquiline produced by Macleods Pharmaceuticals in India has cleared the Global Fund’s Expert Review Panel (ERP), an independent group of experts that reviews finished pharmaceutical products and makes recommendations on their use to the Global Fund.

CROI 2022 TB Round Up

Statement / Press • 2022
Treatment Action Group welcomes the tuberculosis (TB) data reported at the 2022 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). This is a summary of major findings — and TAG’s take on them.

Mourning Paul Farmer, Honoring His Legacy

Statement / Press • 2022
TAG’s staff and board of directors are filled with grief at the premature death of Dr. Paul Farmer, who illuminated and changed our world with his combination of passion, intelligence, solidarity with the poor, and determined will for social justice.

Civil Society Letter to Donors, Countries, and Health Actors to Improve Access to GeneXpert and Other Diagnostics

Letters • 2021
TAG led an open letter appealing to donors, countries, and health actors to improve access to GeneXpert and other diagnostics for COVID-19, TB, HIV, HBV, HCV, and other diseases by applying collective leverage in negotiations with Cepheid for lower prices and sufficient volumes; establishing cost-of-goods-sold (COGS)-plus and volume-based pricing for diagnostics as a global norm; and increasing investments in alternative rapid molecular tests to promote competition and improve access.

Long-Acting Therapy for Malaria Prevention: Toward a Malaria-Free World

TAGline • 2021
By Joelle Dountio Ofimboudem Malaria is a life-threatening disease prevalent in the world’s poorest countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Preventing malaria hits close to home for me. I am a mother to two children, aged three and five. We are originally from Cameroon, where we all have contracted malaria multiple times. As an intellectual property…
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