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Brand-name FDCs and PEPFAR, 2004

Publication • 2004
September 2004 By Rob Camp In January 2003, W announced PEPFAR, The President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief, pledging 15 billion dollars of funding over 5 years, to provide testing and treatment in 15 countries affected by HIV/AIDS. Critique of PEPFAR has highlighted several things, including the narrow focus on 15 countries, and the requirement…

Little Leap: Gilead 2-in-1 Opens Door to Impending One-Pill Triple Combo

TAGline • 2004
Gilead 2-in-1 Opens Door to Impending One-Pill Triple Combo By Rob Camp GSK’s, a Sort of Snoozer In early August the FDA announced the approvals of two fixed-dose combination (FDC) antiretroviral drug products. FDCs are combinations of two previously approved drugs (脿 la the Combivir or Trizivir model) in what is understood to be a…

Stern Words For Pfizer

TAGline • 2004
Pfizer Working Session in Bangkok—Invitation to Richard Stern and Dr. Stern’s reply 15 June 2004 Ann Prochilo Pfizer and Company San Francisco, California Dear Ann: Thanks for this invitation [posted below this response] to participate in a forum in Bangkok with company representatives of Pfizer. Your invitation makes me wonder to what extent Jackson Peyton…

Epzicom Brand Abacavir-Lamivudine QD

Publication • 2004
The Difference Between Drugs and New Drugs By Rob Camp August 2004 FDA announced approvals in early August of two fixed-dose combination (FDC) antiretroviral drug products for use with other antiretroviral agents for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. FDCs are combinations of two previously approved drugs in what is understood to be an easier form,…

Past as Prologue: Expediency, Cost-Cutting Trump Science in Peg-Intron Clinical Development Plan

TAGline • 2003
Expediency, Cost-Cutting Trump Science in Peg-Intron Clinical Development Plan By Tracy Swan The Head-to-Head That Wasn’t In October of 2003, Schering-Plough held a meeting with HCV and HIV/HCV advocates where they announced a “new” Schering — one that prioritizes earning the trust of community members and advocates for people with hepatitis C and HIV/HCV coinfection.…

Critical Issues From TAG’s Forthcoming HCV/HIV Coinfection Report, Version 2.0

Publication • 2003
Research and Policy Recommendations for HCV/HIV Coinfection By Tracy Swan February 2003 Introduction The unfolding epidemic of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a serious and growing problem. An estimated 170 million people around the world are infected. In the United States, at least four million people have been exposed to HCV, and 2.7 million…

Lexiva Launch: Glaxo Makes Aggressive Push Into Protease Market With New and Improved Amprenavir

TAGline • 2003
Glaxo Makes Aggressive Push Into Protease Market With New and Improved Amprenavir By Rob Camp and Heidi Nass Fall Harvest: Bumper Crop of New Drug Approvals in 2003 Drug Novel Mechanism? T-20 Yes atazanavir No FTC (emtricitabine) No fosamprenavir No Post-Marketing Oblivion The U.S. FDA granted accelerated approval to amprenavir (Agenerase) in April 1999. In…

Medi Gap: Congressional Juggling of Medicare Drug Coverage Leaves Many in the Lurch

TAGline • 2003
Congressional Juggling of Medicare Drug Coverage Leaves Many in the Lurch Surviving the “Donut Hole” With a total of 130 local, regional and national AIDS organizations signing on, TAG included, a letter went out to House and Senate Medicare conferees during the final days of September. While beneficiaries living with HIV/AIDS comprise a very small…

Letter to President Bush

TAGline • 2003
By William E. Arnold, Mark Harrington and A. Cornelius Baker October 2003 The Honorable George W. Bush, President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: As leaders of national, regional and local organizations committed to ending the human suffering caused by AIDS, we are appreciative of the focus you…

Second Shoe: Doha Dance Has Health Ministries Scheming to Provide Care — Without Pissing Off Uncle Sam

TAGline • 2003
Doha Dance Has Health Ministries Scheming to Provide Care — Without Pissing Off Uncle Sam By Anne Christine d’Adesky Does Paraguay Dare? Talk about your nail biter. After token concessions to agricultural subsidies and quotas, trade ministers from around the world spent the six days leading up to Labor Day weekend at the Geneva HQ…
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