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Toward Medicaid Prescription Drug Cost Savings in New York State

Webinars PDF • 2019
Toward Medicaid Prescription Drug Cost Savings in New York State

Protestors Demand Cepheid Halve the Price of GeneXpert TB Tests to US$5

Statement / Press • 2019
The high cost of GeneXpert tests for tuberculosis (TB) leaves open a critical gap in the diagnosis of TB and fails to consider volume of sales and public investments in the development of GeneXpert.

A Lower Rifapentine Price Is Just a Start

PDF • 2019

TAG Submitted Testimony to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Hearing on “HIV Prevention Drug: Billions in Corporate Profits After Millions in Taxpayer Investments”

Letters • 2019
TAG submitted testimony for the record for the hearing, "HIV Prevention Drug: Billions in Corporate Profits after Millions in Taxpayer Investments" at the request of members of the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Treatment Action Group Applauds U.S. Preventive Services Task Force “A” Ratings for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and HIV Screening

Statement / Press • 2019
TAG recently released this statement strongly supporting the final “A” ratings issued by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force regarding PrEP for individuals highly vulnerable to infection and HIV screening for all Americans between the ages of 15 and 65, including pregnant women.

Advocates Must Press the CDC to Enforce its PrEP Patents in Order to End HIV as an Epidemic

Statement / Press • 2019
TAG statement calling for advocates to stand with PrEP4All in demanding CDC enforce its PrEP patents.

TAG and Allies Rally for Affordable HIV Prevention Medication

Statement / Press • 2019
On Monday February 18, TAG, some of our allies, and a number of elected officials attended a rally in New York City calling on the National Institutes of Health to exercise its march-in rights and break Gildead’s patent on Truvada.

Public Comment on USPSTF Draft Recommendations for PrEP and HIV Screening

Letters • 2019
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently released draft recommendations regarding HIV screening for all Americans ages 15-65, including pregnant women, and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for individuals highly vulnerable to HIV infection.

Treatment Action Group Statement on the President’s Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Proposal

Statement / Press • 2019
Treatment Action Group (TAG) opposes the President's FY 2020 budget proposal, which makes a mockery of the administration's purported strategy to end AIDS in the United States over the next decade.

A Lower Price for Rifapentine Is Just a Start – Communities Need More Than Discounts to Access TB Preventive Therapy

Letters • 2019
October 31, 2019 — Civil society and community-based organizations issued this letter welcoming the availability of lower-priced rifapentine, which is an essential medicine for preventing TB. However,  while all the organizations agree that this discount is a step forward, they’re concerned that it doesn’t apply to all countries. Read/Download the comment  
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