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Public Investments in TB Medicine Bedaquiline Far Exceed Those of Developer Johnson & Johnson

Statement / Press • 2019
Presented at the 50th Union World Conference on Lung Health, an analysis by Treatment Action Group (TAG) finds that total public expenditures on the development of bedaquiline –– an important medicine for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) –– far exceed those of the originator company, Johnson & Johnson.

Eight HIV/AIDS Research, Policy, and Advocacy Organizations File an Amici Curiae Brief in Staley v. Gilead – Background and Next Steps

Statement / Press • 2019
On October 25, 2019, eight HIV/AIDS research, policy, and advocacy organizations filed an amicus brief in the U.S. District Court, in San Francisco, CA, in support of the plaintiffs in Staley v. Gilead.

TAG Comment in Response to Proposed Rulemaking: Visas: Ineligibility Based on Public Charge Grounds

Letters • 2019
As an organization dedicated to ensuring equitable access to critical health services to individuals and communities affected by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and hepatitis C virus (HCV), Treatment Action Group (TAG) strongly opposes the proposed changes regarding “public charge,” published in the Federal Register on October 11, 2019 (the proposed rule).

ANEA Response to Guardian Article on Gov. Rick Scott’s Rejection of $70 Million in Federal Funding to Fight Florida’s HIV/AIDS Crisis

Statement / Press • 2019
The Act Now End AIDS coalition is deeply troubled by the contents of Ben Ryan’s September 11 Guardian article “'Rick Scott had us on lockdown:' how Florida said no to $70m for HIV crisis." The article, which reflects four years of investigative journalism by Ryan with additional reporting by Noah Pransky, paints a detailed picture of how Florida’s then-governor, Rick Scott, refused Medicaid expansion and federal dollars to fight the epidemic from 2015-2017

Treatment Action Group Joins Collective Call Denouncing the Trump Administration’s Dangerous Finalized Anti-Immigrant Rule

Statement / Press • 2019
Treatment Action Group (TAG) strongly opposes the administration’s finalized rule “Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds.” This rule, which goes into effect on October 15, 2019, dangerously expands the definition of immigrants who are ineligible for admission into the U.S. or adjustment of status to include those who seek basic public services for health, nutrition, and housing.

Statement from Treatment Action Group on U.S. FDA Approval of Pretomanid

Statement / Press • 2019
Treatment Action Group welcomes simpler, shorter treatment options for people with some forms of drug-resistant tuberculosis, while urging additional research and equitable access.

Mark Harrington Senate Briefing Transcript, 3-28-19

Page • 2019TAG’s executive director Mark Harrington spoke at the U.S. Senate briefing held on March 28, 2019, not long after World TB Day. He invoked the stories of leaders that had tuberculosis, such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Nelson Mandela, on the need to advance TB research and development through political will. View/download the slides Mark presented…

Statement on President Trump’s State of the Union Remarks on Ending the U.S. HIV Epidemic by 2030 from the Act Now: End AIDS Coalition

Statement / Press • 2019
This statement was released last night by ANEA in response to the President’s SOTU announcement.

Public Comment on Identifying the Root Causes of Drug Shortages and Finding Enduring Solutions

Letters • 2019
TAG recently submitted this public comment on Identifying the Root Causes of Drug Shortages and Finding Enduring Solutions, highlighting the need to mitigate national supply challenges and shortages of critical TB drugs.

The Antiretroviral Pipeline

Pipeline • 2018
July 2018 by Tim Horn The past 12 months has been historic in terms of the number of new HIV treatment modalities reaching pharmacy shelves, at least in the United States. Four originator products – the first dual-drug regimen for maintenance therapy, the first biologic for HIV treatment, the first protease inhibitor-based single-tablet regimen (STR),…
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