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TAG Joins Civil Society Call to Oppose U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Appointment

Letters PDF • 2018
TAG Joins Civil Society Call to Oppose U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Appointment In advance of a U.S. Senate Committee on Finance hearing on January 9, 2018, TAG and over 60 other civil society organizations issued a statement asking U.S. senators to oppose the confirmation of Alex Azar as Secretary of Health and…

Health Affairs Blog Post Highlights Fair Pricing Coalition Recommendations to Modernize and Strengthen Existing Laws to Control Drug Costs

Statement / Press • 2017
With growing bipartisan support for feasible measures to control skyrocketing prescription medication costs, a Health Affairs Blog post published today describes four proposals to strengthen and modernize cost control measures that already exist in the United States.

TAGline Fall 2017

TAGline • 2017
In the Fall 2017 issue of TAGline, we explore the political feasibility and sustainability of universal health care in the U.S. UHC is, first and foremost, a human right. However, it will require robust advocacy to galvanize bipartisan support for guaranteed coverage and to rein in the high cost of health care and prescription drugs.

The Long Game for Health Justice

TAGline • 2017
Claiming and strategizing the HIV community’s role in universal health care advocacy By Suraj Madoori and Maximillian Boykin Perhaps the most impressive narrative in the lead-up to the dramatic defeats of the disastrous Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal-and-replace bills in the House and Senate involved the thousands of activists who were activated, organized, and mobilized…

Universal Health Care and Prescription Drug Pricing

TAGline • 2017
Reining in prescription drug prices isn’t so much a potential benefit of universal health care, but rather a factor in its affordability and success By Tim Horn If there is one thing the majority of Americans agree on, it’s that health care costs—prescription drugs, in particular—are out of control and are significantly contributing to our…

Wrangling Affordable Drug Pricing and HCV Elimination Under the New White House Administration

TAGline • 2017
Trump’s early tough talk on drug pricing is now a pro-industry, anti-regulation GOP dreamscape By Bryn Gay Unaffordable drug prices were a hot-button topic on the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign trail and remain a significant source of frustration among Democrats and Republicans in Congress. This common ground, backed by public opinion (see sidebar), can be…

Ending the Epidemic without Medicaid Expansion? 

TAGline • 2017
How U.S. southern states are moving ahead without full health care coverage By Jeremiah Johnson & Kenyon Farrow Activists and health departments around the country continue to advance strategies to ‘End the Epidemic’ (EtE) in their jurisdictions, yet a central question remains. Are these ambitious plans appropriate in all U.S. jurisdictions, particularly given uneven access…

HCV Pipeline: DAAs and Diagnostics in the Pangenotypic Era

Pipeline • 2017
July 2017 By Annette Gaudino INTRODUCTION The continued development of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) against hepatitis C virus (HCV) has brought both multigenotypic and pangenotypic regimens to market, with more on the horizon. These simpler-to- prescribe regimens potentially eliminate the need for genotype testing, have shown improved efficacy in previously difficult-to-treat patients, and hold the promise…

Preventive Technologies: Antiretroviral and Vaccine Development

Pipeline • 2017
July 2017 By Jeremiah Johnson and Richard Jefferys INTRODUCTION Recent advances in the research, development, and implementation of biomedical HIV prevention—primarily in the form of treatment as prevention (TasP) and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)/ emtricitabine (FTC) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)—already appear to be bearing fruit in addressing complex HIV epidemics. At this year’s Conference on…

Resisting the Coming Austerity: Medicaid in the Crosshairs

TAGline • 2017
Lingering Republican threats to the ACA and Medicaid do no favors for America’s working poor     By Annette Gaudino The 2016 election is in large part a story of the failure of existing health policy to adequately address a health crisis among the working class. The largest voter margins in favor of Trump comprise many…
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