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cover of october 2021 TAGline - title is "delivering on the promise of long-acting formulations, and the image shows many calendar sheets with the names of months to indicate that these are long-acting technologies

TAGline October 2021

  • Dorrit Walsh
Delivering on the Promise of Long-Acting Forumulations delves deep into the development of long-acting formulations for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases like HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis C, and malaria. Long-acting medications have become common for conditions such as osteoporosis and schizophrenia, and they're even used for birth control.
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Research in Action Awards 2021

  • Dorrit Walsh
On November 16, we honored CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH; Ivy Kwan Arce, activist, mother, and artist living with HIV; and Erica Lessem, MPH, former TAG Deputy Executive Director.
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cover of TAG's 2020 annual report. It reads: progress in the fight for better treatment, prevention, a vaccine, and a cure for HIV, tuberculosis, and Hepatitis C virus

2020 Annual Report

  • Dorrit Walsh
As the HIV epidemic changes over time, and new pandemics continue to emerge, TAG continues to evolve while remaining true to our activist roots. We partner with the most affected communities in the U.S. and around the world.
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Cover image of report: Breaking Barriers: Surveying Community Perspectives of COVID-19 Vaccine Research

Breaking Barriers: Surveying Community Perspectives of COVID-19 Vaccine Research

  • Dorrit Walsh
This report aims to raise the profile of discussions that have been taking place regarding community understanding and involvement in COVID-19 vaccine research. It presents the results of an online survey developed by TAG, along with the Black AIDS Institute and the COVID-19 Prevention Trials Network in the fall of 2020 seeking community perspectives on COVID-19 vaccine development.
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Unique Barriers to COVID-19 Vaccine Access for Black Communities

  • Dorrit Walsh
On Wednesday, May 19, 2021,Treatment Action Group (TAG), Black AIDS Institute, (BAI), and the COVID Prevention Trials Network (CoVPN) will convene a virtual news conference and roundtable discussion to disseminate findings from a soon-to-be published report: Breaking Barriers: Surveying Community Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine Research.
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