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Cover of investment in HIV research profoundly benefits the COVID-19 Response

Investment in HIV Research Profoundly Benefits the COVID-19 Response

  • Dorrit Walsh
This policy brief discusses how investment in HIV research has profoundly benefitted the COVID-19 response, and advocates that continued financial support for HIV science can both ensure progress on COVID-19 and avoid losing ground—and lives—in the fight to end the HIV epidemic.
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Cover of COVID-19 and Impacted Communities: a Media Communications Guide

COVID-19 and Impacted Communities: A Media Communications Guide

  • Dorrit Walsh
This easy-to-use guide is designed to provide journalists and communication professionals the tools needed to ensure accurate reporting and curb any related stigma associated with the novel coronavirus SARS-COV-2, also known and reported as COVID-19. We invite you to use this to inform your own writing and to share it with colleagues and cohorts that work in media and communications.
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