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Statement on Human Challenge Studies for COVID-19 Vaccine Development

  • Dorrit Walsh
Two recent developments have brought renewed publicity to proposals to conduct human challenge studies to test COVID-19 vaccine candidates: an open letter from the organization 1DaySooner and media reports that Adrian Hill’s Oxford University research group is planning a challenge study, taking advantage of the lack of regulatory oversight of human challenge experiments in the United Kingdom.
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Public Health Organizations Call on NYC Board of Health to Declare Racism and Over-Policing of Black and Latinx New Yorkers a Public Health Emergency

  • Chad Cipiti
Several prominent community health organizations with decades of experience in HIV/AIDS advocacy today served the New York City Board of Health with a formal petition calling for an emergency meeting to address racism and over-policing of Black and Latinx communities as concurrent, city-wide public health emergencies.
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Petition to NYC Board of Health to Commence Emergency Rulemaking to Make Concrete Rules to End Racism As Public Health Peril

  • Chad Cipiti
On June 25, 2020, the National Black Leadership Commission on Health, the Latino Commission on AIDS, Housing Works, and TAG petitioned the New York City Board of Health to institute concrete rules to end racism as a public health crisis in New York City. TAG and partners called on the Board of Health to convene an emergency session to adopt new rules, amendments, and policies to address the disparate impact of COVID-19 on Black and Latinx New Yorkers, address racism as a public health crisis, address over-policing, and improve public health and safety.
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Appeal to UAE Authorities to Release Prisoners with HIV Vulnerable to COVID-19

  • Dorrit Walsh
On May 18th, TAG and 46 other organizations and individuals – including the Stop TB Partnership, Global Coalition of TB Activists, and regional networks of people living with HIV, people affected by TB, and people who use drugs – are sending this letter to authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with an urgent appeal concerning the health of people with HIV in UAE prisons who are vulnerable to COVID-19.
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