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Rallying the Multitude to Free the (Generic) HCV Cure

  • Chad Cipiti

Effective responses to the burgeoning hepatitis C pandemic requires solidarity between the global North and South By Bryn Gay We can now cure the hepatitis C virus (HCV) with a coformulation of drugs that yields sustained virologic responses for all…

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Decriminalization is a Public Health Strategy

  • Chad Cipiti

We can’t end the viral hepatitis epidemics unless we end the war on drug users By Annette Gaudino “Unidentified Filipino male. Unidentified Filipino male. Unidentified Filipino female. Unidentified Filipino male…” It takes a long time to read 1,900 names, long…

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Letter to Hillary Clinton on HCV Drug Prices

  • Chad Cipiti

Dear Secretary Clinton, As a national group of healthcare providers, advocates, and patients dedicated to preventing and treating viral hepatitis, we welcome your recent comments in Cleveland regarding the high price of pharmaceutical drugs to cure the hepatitis C virus (HCV). We are encouraged by the broad support for government action on the high price of pharmaceutical drugs, especially those for viral hepatitis, and to see this issue being directly addressed by elected officials at all levels of government. However, we are writing you today out of concern that your current healthcare platform does not specifically or adequately address the national and international viral hepatitis epidemics. We must work together to raise the profile of hepatitis B and C as urgent public health priorities.

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Epclusa Fact Sheet

  • Chad Cipiti

Epclusa is a fixed-dose combination of two HCV-fighting drugs (sofosbuvir and velpatasvir) in one pill. In the United States, Epclusa is approved for people with all hepatitis C genotypes (1–6) who are 18 years of age and older.

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Zepatier Fact Sheet

  • Chad Cipiti

Zepatier is two hepatitis C virus-fighting drugs in one tablet. These drugs block different steps of the virus lifecycle. In the United States, Zepatier is approved for people who are over 18 years old with hepatitis C genotype 1 or genotype 4.

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Solvaldi Fact Sheet

  • Chad Cipiti

Sovaldi (sofosbuvir) is an HCV-fighting drug that must be used with other drugs. In the United States, Sovaldi is approved for people with hepatitis C genotypes 1, 2, 3, or 4 who are over 18 years old.

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Harvoni Fact Sheet

  • Chad Cipiti

Harvoni is two HCV-fighting drugs (sofosbuvir and ledipasvir) in one pill. In the United States, Harvoni is approved for HIV-negative and HIV-positive people with hepatitis C genotypes 1, 4, 5, and 6 who are over 18 years old.

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