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HIV & Aging

  • Chad Cipiti
A resource listing of articles, reports, websites, and ongoing clinical trials related to HIV and aging.
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Image of page one: TAG Update 2019

2019 TAG Update

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG’s work in 2019 demonstrated our leadership towards an end to HIV, hepatitis C, and tuberculosis through hard-hitting, science-based activism. Excerpts of the media coverage we received walk you through a remarkable year of TAG’s work.
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Full cover image of November 2019 TAGline - Vote your ConSCIENCE: Elevating Health Justic in the 2020 Elections

TAGline November 2019

  • Dorrit Walsh
Vote Your ConSCIENCE: Elevating Health Justice in the 2020 Elections. 2020 marks the eighth U.S. presidential election cycle since Treatment Action Group’s founding in 1992. A hallmark of our activism has been to prepare for each presidential and congressional election cycle strategically, to ensure that whoever is elected, and whoever controls the House and the Senate, is informed about the best scientifically grounded research and policy and research programs.
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Story: American Gene Technologies HIV Gene Therapy

  • Dorrit Walsh

November 2019 Examples of media coverage:  Gene Tech Company Claims to Have Found a Cure for HIV/AIDS – NewNowNext, November 8, 2019 Researchers believe they’ve found the cure for HIV/AIDS – Pink News, November 8, 2019 Research Lab Believes They Have HIV/AIDS Cure – Instinct Magazine,…

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