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ANEA Response to Guardian Article on Gov. Rick Scott’s Rejection of $70 Million in Federal Funding to Fight Florida’s HIV/AIDS Crisis

  • Dorrit Walsh

The Act Now End AIDS coalition is deeply troubled by the contents of Ben Ryan’s September 11 Guardian article “'Rick Scott had us on lockdown:' how Florida said no to $70m for HIV crisis." The article, which reflects four years of investigative journalism by Ryan with additional reporting by Noah Pransky, paints a detailed picture of how Florida’s then-governor, Rick Scott, refused Medicaid expansion and federal dollars to fight the epidemic from 2015-2017

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2019 Pipeline Report

  • Chad Cipiti

Pipeline Report provides an overview of research and provides an overview of research and development of innovations for diagnosing, preventing, treating, and curing HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and tuberculosis (TB).

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TAG's Erica Lessem and Annette Gaudino being arrested for civil disobedience as part of the "Delancey 14."

Treatment Action Group Joins Collective Call Denouncing the Trump Administration’s Dangerous Finalized Anti-Immigrant Rule

  • Chad Cipiti

Treatment Action Group (TAG) strongly opposes the administration’s finalized rule “Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds.” This rule, which goes into effect on October 15, 2019, dangerously expands the definition of immigrants who are ineligible for admission into the U.S. or adjustment of status to include those who seek basic public services for health, nutrition, and housing.

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