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Retrofitting for Purpose: Treatment Optimization

  • Chad Cipiti

JULY 2012 By Polly Clayden NOTE: a postscript section at the end of this article includes periodic updates since publication in June 2012. In June 2010, the WHO and UNAIDS launched Treatment 2.0, a strategic approach to the achievement of…

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The Pediatric Antiretroviral Pipeline

  • Chad Cipiti

By Polly Clayden NOTE: a postscript section at the end of this article includes periodic updates since publication in June 2012. In the past year—since our last Pipeline Report—there has been a flurry of activity in pediatric antiretroviral drug development…

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The Antiretroviral Pipeline

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2012 By Simon Collins NOTE: a postscript section at the end of this article includes periodic updates since publication in June 2012. Updates from CROI 2013. (March 2013) at the end of this article. INTRODUCTION Two aspects of antiretroviral…

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Story: HIV Eliminated from the Genomes of Living Animals

  • Dorrit Walsh

July 2019 Examples of media coverage:  For the First Time, Researchers Eliminated HIV From the Genomes of Living Animals – TIME, July 2, 2019 Scientists eliminate HIV in the entire genome of lab mice for the first time ever: Breakthrough paves the…

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TAG Remembers Andy Velez (1939—2019)

  • Chad Cipiti
On May 14, 2019, HIV/AIDS activism lost one of its true giants. Andy Velez has been an unwavering hero to people affected by the virus around the world, and a mentor to advocates throughout his over three decades of dedicated service. No words can capture the impact of the loss of this great man.
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Gene Editing in HIV Research

  • Chad Cipiti

The purpose of this issue brief is to provide background information on gene editing in HIV research, and context for the news about researcher He Jiankui’s misuse of the technology to alter embryos (Chinese authorities have since declared He's experiments…

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ANEA Statement on the President’s Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Proposal

  • Chad Cipiti
The Act Now End AIDS coalition (Act Now End AIDS) expresses deep disappointment with the President’s Fiscal Year 2020 (FY 20) budget proposal for its failure to provide the fiscal resources, policy leadership, and political vision needed to end the HIV epidemic in the United States. TAG is a member of the coalition.
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