Treatment Action Group Statement on the Reported Birth of Twins with Edited CCR5 Genes
Treatment Action Group (TAG) decries the claimed use of CRISPR technology to edit genes for the HIV co-receptor CCR5 in human embryos for implantation.
Treatment Action Group (TAG) decries the claimed use of CRISPR technology to edit genes for the HIV co-receptor CCR5 in human embryos for implantation.
October – November 2018 (Updated September 2024) Examples of media coverage: HIV cure? Major breakthrough made in eradicating deadly virus: ‘Beyond our expectations’ – Daily Star, November 1, 2018 New drug could cure HIV/Aids – Uganda Daily Monitor, November 7, 2018 Maker…
Combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) is now recommended for all people with HIV. Suppression of HIV viral load to undetectable levels by ART greatly benefits individual health—causing lifespans for many people with HIV to approach those of comparable HIV-negative individuals—and eliminates the risk of most forms of HIV transmission.
Treatment Intensification/Early Treatment AAHIV/RV254: Antiretroviral therapy for acute HIV infection NCT00796263 Establish and characterize an acute HIV infection cohort in a high-risk population NCT00796146 (related observational study) References Wietgrefe SW, Anderson J, Duan L, et al. Initial productive and latent…
The right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications is a fundamental human right and one of the central pillars of TAG's advocacy to promote TB research and access to its benefits. The right is enshrined in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and further articulated in Article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
July 2018 by Tim Horn The past 12 months has been historic in terms of the number of new HIV treatment modalities reaching pharmacy shelves, at least in the United States. Four originator products – the first dual-drug regimen for…
July 2018 by Jeremiah Johnson Since 2011, HIV prevention has undergone a true revolution. With three major studies (HPTN 052, PARTNER, and Opposites Attract) now showing zero new infections linked to an HIV positive person who has successfully suppressed their…
July 2018 by Richard Jefferys The most important news in preventive HIV vaccine research over the past year is the opening of a Phase IIb trial testing the efficacy of a prime-boost approach developed by Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V.,…
Treatment Action Group congratulates TAG cofounder and Yale University Assistant Professor Gregg Gonsalves on receiving a 2018 MacArthur Fellowship. Gregg co-wrote TAG’s seminal 1992 report, “AIDS Research at the NIH: A Critical Review” with Mark Harrington and wrote the crucial 1993 report “Basic Science on HIV Infection: A Report from the Front.”
The European African Treatment Advocates Network (EATAN), in partnership with Treatment Action Group (TAG) and other migrant-focused organizations, hosted the European African HIV & Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Community Summit 2018.