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Story: Gene Editing Technique Removes HIV from Infected Cells

  • Dorrit Walsh

July 2014 Examples of media coverage: Researchers Find New Way to Kick Out HIV from Infected Cells– Time, July 21, 2014 Temple Researchers Snip Out Dormant HIV from Cells– Philadelphia Enquirer, July 22, 2014 Genome Editing Cuts Out HIV– Scientist, July 21,…

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Treatment Action Group Commends Governor Cuomo for Launching Historic New York State Plan to End AIDS

  • Chad Cipiti
Treatment Action Group (TAG) applauds Governor Andrew M. Cuomo for his full support of a historic community-developed plan to end the AIDS epidemic in New York State by 2020, as announced this morning by the Governor’s office and reported in today’s edition of the New York Times (“Cuomo Plan Seeks to End New York’s AIDS Epidemic,” Anemona Hartocollis, page A18). With this bold initiative, New York State—long the epicenter of the nation’s HIV epidemic—becomes the first jurisdiction anywhere in the world to publicly declare a goal of ending AIDS as an epidemic with the launch of a comprehensive effort to end AIDS deaths and halt new infections by employing state-of-the-art testing, preventive technologies, treatment, and supportive services.
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ACT UP to Tom Frieden: You’re MIA on HIV

  • Chad Cipiti
Members of ACT UP NY, along with Treatment Action Group (TAG) and Atlanta allies, will meet with the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)’s HIV prevention personnel in Atlanta, GA. ACT UP will call upon the CDC to meet its commitment of keeping all Americans healthy and to act now upon the promise of TasP, PrEP, and PEP, address social and structural barriers to lifesaving prevention options, and reduce the transmission of HIV in those groups where the incidence is rising.
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Better Late Than Never: Efavirenz Dose Optimization

  • Chad Cipiti

After a study suggests that we’ve been using too high a dose of efavirenz for a decade and a half, the move toward scaling up a lower and more cost-effective one faces some hurdles By Tim Horn and Polly Clayden…

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The White House’s Fuzzy Math

  • Chad Cipiti

An Office of National AIDS Policy progress report obscures the state of the domestic U.S. HIV/AIDS response By Mark Harrington On World AIDS Day, December 1, 2013, the White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) issued a peppy and…

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Forgotten Negatives: The Limits of Treatment as Prevention

  • Chad Cipiti

The CDC’s High-Impact Prevention strategy takes aim at the stubborn HIV incidence rate in the United States. The only problem: it doesn’t include an ambitious plan for those at risk for the virus By Jeremiah Johnson There is no shortage…

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