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Action Needed against TB/HIV and the MDR- and XDR-TB Crisis

  • Chad Cipiti

By Theo Smart and Javid Syed A TAG-sponsored forum in South Africa brought together scientists, policy makers, and community activists to discuss multidrug resistant and extensively drug resistant TB and HIV and to identify steps to address the growing crisis.…

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Rapidly Progressing Hepatitis C in New York Gay Men

  • Chad Cipiti

New Surveillance Networks Needed By Tracy Swan Recent outbreaks of acute hepatitis C virus (HCV) among HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) have been reported in England, France, Germany, Holland, and the United States. Many of these cases…

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The Sitges Statement on HCV Drug Development

  • Chad Cipiti

In March 2007, a group of community activists, many living with HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV), gathered with researchers, doctors, regulators, and representatives from Abbott, Roche, Schering, and Tibotec, in Sitges, Spain, at a meeting held by the European…

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Worldwide Antiretroviral Drug Sales 2006

  • Chad Cipiti

Drug Company $ Million Change From 2005 Notes Truvada Gilead 1,194 +210% Kaletra Abbott 1,135 +13% Combivir GlaxoSmithKline 977 -8% Reyataz Bristol-Myers Squibb 931 +34% Sustiva Bristol-Myers Squibb 791 +16% Includes $76 million related to Atripla sales Viread Gilead 689…

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Immune Activation in HIV Infection: More Than Just Markers

  • Chad Cipiti

More Than Just Markers By Richard Jefferys "... no longer solely of interest to academic immunologists ..." At the recent International AIDS Society conference in Sydney, Mike Lederman reminded attendees that abnormally high levels of immune activation were described in the first…

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Gut Reactions

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Jefferys The biggest obstacle to understanding how HIV causes immune damage is the complexity of the human immune system, a vast collection of different cells and tissues that typically work together in concert to protect against disease. HIV…

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Update: Leaking LPS

  • Chad Cipiti

As this issue went to press, a paper appeared from Daniel Douek and colleagues reporting data which, the authors argue, further supports the model of HIV pathogenesis outlined in their Nature Immunology review. Douek's group had previously speculated that one…

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In Brief

  • Chad Cipiti

Stavudine Associated With Risk for Type-2 Diabetes Generic Efavirenz/Tenofovir/FTC Combo Compulsory License for Efavirenz in Thailand Why Do People Still Die After Taking ARVs? Is it the Brand of Drugs? Stavudine Associated With Risk for Type-2 Diabetes By Simon Collins,…

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GRACE Under Pressure

  • Chad Cipiti

By Rob Camp Tibotec's clinical development program for the protease inhibitor darunavir (Prezista, TMC114) delivered the drug to market several months ahead of schedule. But even as it began shipping to pharmacies around the country one nagging uncertainty remained: Would…

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