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Seven (Minus 4, Plus 3) Agents to Fix Your Gaze On

  • Chad Cipiti

By Rob Camp Last year's pipeline report was warm, starry eyed and exuberant. How wrong can one guy be? Blow 1: The close of the year 2003 saw the "on-hold"-ing of SCH-C, the entry inhibitor that was moribund before the…

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For Thousands of PWHIVs, Scale Up = Death

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Stern 12 December, 2003 Dear Friends: In response to my letter regarding the Toronto International AIDS conference, now scheduled for 2006, I have received the following letter from a person living with HIV/AIDS (PLWA) in Jamaica who wishes…

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TAG 2003: The Year at a Glance

  • Chad Cipiti

by Rob Camp January: starts as new TAG's Antiviral Project Director. Rob and Mark to Houston for ATAC structure meeting to develop stronger national coalition, then to D.C. for Federal AIDS Policy Partnership meeting. Talk of coming assault on Medicaid…

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