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TAG at Ten: The Year 2002

  • Chad Cipiti

January: HIV vaccine papers in Nature by Merck's Emilio Emini, Harvard's Dan Barouch. February: First ATAC (AIDS Treatment Activist Conference) teach-in, Seattle (seventy people attend), followed by ATAC/BMS meeting and Retrovirus conference. NIH cancels large phase III canarypox HIV vaccine…

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TAG at Ten: The Year 2001

  • Chad Cipiti

January: TAG's Gregg Gonsalves becomes GMHC Director of Treatment Policy. Completion of STI Workshop 2000 report. FDA hearing on salvage therapy trial design. Merck meeting on promising DNA/adenovirus HIV vaccine. TAG mobilizes 600 signatures on global letter to Glaxo decrying…

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Consensus Statement: AIDSVAX Fails to Protect

  • Chad Cipiti

VaxGen's Claims of Efficacy in Black and Asian Participants Are Misleading and Premature 24 February 2003The undersigned community-based HIV/AIDS organizations are deeply concerned by today's presentation of data from the phase III clinical trial of VaxGen's HIV vaccine candidate, AIDSVAX.…

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