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While You Were Sleeping: An African AIDS Aid Chronology

  • Chad Cipiti

An African AIDS Aid Chronology September 2000 May 12, 1999 Bristol-Myers announces five-year donation of $100 million to fight AIDS in Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, and South Africa. April 4, 2000 Pfizer offers free fluconazole to South Africans with AIDS…

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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in HIV Clinical Care

  • Chad Cipiti

Ready for Prime Time?, 2000 Do We Need Another Lab Test in the Clinic? July 2000 No one could accuse the HIV pharmacologists of being attention hogs -- but they were excited. It was the First International Workshop on Pharmacology…

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Some Unanswered Questions About Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2000 Intrapatient variability. "A blood level collected on Monday . . . may be markedly different from one drawn on Friday." In one AZT study in women, the mean area under the curve (AUC) varied as much as two-fold in some patients…

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What’s This About P-Glycoprotein?

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2000 A little over a year ago researchers began describing something that sounded more like science fiction than science. A sinister sounding mechanism in human cells was found to actually suck the revolutionary class of anti-HIV drugs, the protease…

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