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The Six Area Review Panels (ARPs): Of the NIH AIDS Research Program Evaluation Working Group of the Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Advisory Council (the “Levine Committee”)

  • Chad Cipiti

Of the NIH AIDS Research Program Evaluation Working Group of the Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Advisory Council (the "Levine Committee") Natural History, Epidemiology, and Prevention Research Etiology and Pathogenesis Drug Discovery Vaccine Research and Development Clinical Trials Ad hoc…

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Comparing Protease Combinations

  • Chad Cipiti

Reported maximum average reductions in plasma RNA with selected protease inhibitor combinations (in treament naive/experienced* individuals) SQV .6 log S. Vella SQV(new formulation) 1.5 log Roche RTV 1.2-1.9 log Abbott IDV 1.2-2.0 log Merck NFV 1.5 log Markowitz SQV+AZT 1.0…

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Medications contraindicated with the use of ritonavir

  • Chad Cipiti

Analgesics: Demerol, Feldene, Darvon (Percodan okay) Anti-arrhythmics: Cordarone, Enkaid, Tambocor, Rythmol Antimycobacterials: Mycobutin Ca+ Channel Blockers: Vascor Anti-histamines : Hismanal, Seldane (Claritin okay) Anti-diarrheals: Propulsid Anti-depressants: Wellbutrin Neuroleptics: Clozaril Sedatives: Xanax, Tranxene, Valium, Prosom, Dalmane, Versed, Halcion, Ambien (Restoril, Ativan…

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