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We need the Patent Pool to work

  • Chad Cipiti
The exorbitant price of AIDS medicines, especially antiretrovirals, has been one of the main barriers to people with HIV accessing them, especially in developing countries. As activist organisations we have been at the forefront of many of the struggles to make medicines affordable.
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HIV Cure-Related Clinical Research Workshop Report

  • Chad Cipiti

A cure for HIV will be an essential part of ending the pandemic. In the past three years, increasing scientific momentum has been evident in research aimed at curing HIV infection (Lehrman 2005; Richman 2009; Trono 2010; Palmer 2011). The…

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What We Need to Cure AIDS?

  • Chad Cipiti

By Mark Harrington A cure for HIV is possible: one man, the so-called Berlin patient, has already been cured of chronic HIV infection with an immune system transplant with cells genetically resistant to HIV. After four years, the man remains…

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Cure Research Momentum Accelerates

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Jefferys The research effort to discover a cure for HIV infection continues to gain momentum, with several important developments having occurred since the last issue of TAGline. In July, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)…

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A Golden Decade of Antiretroviral Drug Development

  • Chad Cipiti

Success rate for new ARVs entering phases II–III surpassed 32% from 2003–2011 U.S. ADAP Prescribing Practices Closely Match Recent ARV Guidelines by Polly Clayden and Mark Harrington As we were putting together the 2011 Pipeline Report this summer, we decided…

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TAG Goes to Cuba

  • Chad Cipiti

by Coco Jervis Cuba boasts model health outcomes but at what costs to human rights? In November 2009 TAG’s senior policy associate, Coco Jervis, attended the Global Forum for Health Research meeting in Havana, Cuba, under a special license that…

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As with HIV Treatment, Botswana Leads the Way with TB Prevention

  • Chad Cipiti

By Javid Syed BOTUSA study strongly supports continuous preventive IPT for people with HIV Tuberculosis (TB) remains the leading cause of death among people living with HIV. The World Health Organization’s 2009 report Global Tuberculosis Control: Epidemiology, Strategy, Financing reported…

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NIAID Workshop: Elimination of HIV Reservoirs

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Jefferys On Friday, January 15, the National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID) sponsored a scientific workshop entitled “The Next Challenge: Elimination of HIV Reservoirs.” The event took place during the Keystone conference on HIV pathogenesis in…

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