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2007 Pipeline Report

  • Chad Cipiti
Experimental Treatments and Preventive Therapies for HIV, Hepatitis C, and Tuberculosis: By Mark Harrington, Bob Huff, and Richard Jefferys. Reviewed by Tracy Swan, Javid Syed, Claire Wingfield, and Jen Curry.
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Can exhausted T cells be revived? The PD-1 palaver

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Jefferys May 2007 Anyone who follows HIV research is familiar with how a new potential therapeutic target can suddenly appear in the scientific literature, generating much excitement and hype, only to subsequently shuffle quietly from the scene having…

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Treatment Action Group Supports Maraviroc Approval

  • Chad Cipiti

May 1, 2007 Treatment Action Group (TAG) supports the approval of maraviroc for treatment of HIV infection in patients with prior antiretroviral experience. Maraviroc is an orally-available small molecule that binds to and alters the shape of CCR5, a cell…

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Palm Project Interview Series: Barbara Shacklett

  • Chad Cipiti

February 8, 2007 About the Palm Project Interviews TAG has conducted a series of interviews with leading scientists about the underlying pathogenesis of AIDS to gain insights into emerging lines of research and observations about the current research funding environment.…

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Palm Project Interview Series: Douglas Nixon

  • Chad Cipiti

February 8, 2007 About the Palm Project Interviews TAG has conducted a series of interviews with leading scientists about the underlying pathogenesis of AIDS to gain insights into emerging lines of research and observations about the current research funding environment.…

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Palm Project Interview Series: Steven Deeks

  • Chad Cipiti

February 8, 2007 About the Palm Project Interviews TAG has conducted a series of interviews with leading scientists about the underlying pathogenesis of AIDS to gain insights into emerging lines of research and observations about the current research funding environment.…

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