Exploring the American Response to the Global AIDS Pandemic
by Derek Link with Mark Harrington July 2000 Introduction Ten years ago, when the AIDS death toll in the United States crossed 100,000, few paid heed to a grim prediction by the World Health Organization (WHO) that "by the year…
A Critical Review of the Research and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Hepatitis & HIV Coinfection
by Michael Marco and Jeffrey Schouten, M.D. July 14, 2000 Introduction By Michael Marco "Clearly the problem of HCV will require a responsible partnership of public and private organizations. . . . If we are to make progress against this…
Statement on the Vaccines for the New Millennium Act of 2000
A Statement by Gregg Gonsalves, Policy Director of the Treatment Action Group, on the Vaccines for the New Millennium Act of 2000
NIH-Funded AIDS Vaccine Research: A Critical Review
by Gregg Gonsalves March 2000 From the Introduction The first two decades of AIDS vaccine research have been a series of disappointments and setbacks. Indeed, while at the epidemic's outset many predicted that it would be easier to develop a…
Structured Treatment Interruptions (STIs) from the Seventh Retrovirus Conference, 2000
February 2000 New York, NY by Mark Harrington At least 18 studies and speeches presented at the Seventh Retrovirus Conference included discussions related to treatment interruptions (TIs) and structured treatment interruptions (STIs) in various HIV infected populations -- including primary…
Policy Statement on Application for Approval of Adefovir for HIV
Policy Statement on NDA 20-993, Gilead Sciences, Inc's Application for Approval of Preveon™ adefovir dipivoxil for Treatment of HIV 1 November 1999 New York, NY Introduction On June 29th, 1999, Gilead Sciences, Inc. submitted new drug application (NDA) 20-993 to…
Structured Treatment Interruptions Workshop Summary
August 1999 From the Executive Summary From 30 July to 1 August 1999, a diverse, internation al group of biomedical researchers, statisticians, clinicians, research administrators and community treatment advocates met to discuss and develop plans for research on structured treatment…
Policy Report on Application for Ageneras Approval
February 19, 1999 Introduction If one should hear yawns emanating from the consecrated halls of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it's possible that the team evaluating the New Drug Application (NDA) for Agenerase™ brand amprenavir is responsible. The HIV…