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Research in Action Awards 2021

  • Dorrit Walsh
On November 16, we honored CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH; Ivy Kwan Arce, activist, mother, and artist living with HIV; and Erica Lessem, MPH, former TAG Deputy Executive Director.
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cover of TAG's 2020 annual report. It reads: progress in the fight for better treatment, prevention, a vaccine, and a cure for HIV, tuberculosis, and Hepatitis C virus

2020 Annual Report

  • Dorrit Walsh
As the HIV epidemic changes over time, and new pandemics continue to emerge, TAG continues to evolve while remaining true to our activist roots. We partner with the most affected communities in the U.S. and around the world.
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Community Engagement on TB through Storytelling

  • Dorrit Walsh
Storytelling is a tool that can help build understanding, support discussions between members of affected communities and other stakeholders, and aid in the identification of important issues and potential solutions. These storyboards follow three individuals journeys through diagnosis, treatment and care, and the barriers they face.
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TAG Comments on NIST’s Proposed Rulemaking Changes

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG submitted comments in response to the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) proposed change to rulemaking, strongly opposing amendments to remove crucial public health safeguards from the Bayh-Dole Act. March-in rights and other provisions to hold manufacturers accountable when federally funded inventions are exorbitantly priced and are critically important to public health and the right to science.
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