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Letter to Sanofi CEO Calling for Patent Withdrawals on Critical TB Drugs

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG and our French partners OTMeds (Observatoire de la transparence dans les politiques du médicaments) sent a letter to Sanofi CEO Paul Hudson calling on the company to reverse its efforts to patent two obvious combinations of two critical drugs to prevent tuberculosis: rifapentine and isoniazid.
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Cover image of publication, An Activist's Guide to TB Diagnostic Tools

An Activist’s Guide to Tuberculosis Diagnostic Tools

  • Dorrit Walsh
Our publication, An Activist’s Guide to Tuberculosis Diagnostic Tools, details the latest WHO recommendations, the array of available TB diagnostic tools, and how these tools should be optimally used in country programs, including to support TB screening and diagnosis among special populations such as children, people with extrapulmonary TB, and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).
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In Memoriam – The Honorable John Lewis

  • Dorrit Walsh
Treatment Action Group (TAG) honors the titanic historic legacy and mourns the recent death of the Honorable John Lewis, U.S. Representative from the 5th Congressional district in Georgia and legendary civil rights leader.
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2020 Pipeline Report

  • Dorrit Walsh
Pipeline Report provides an overview of research and provides an overview of research and development of innovations for diagnosing, preventing, treating, and curing HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and tuberculosis (TB).
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cover image of TAG's 2019 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

  • Dorrit Walsh
2019 was a year of significant progress against HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). We shaped policy and legislation to end these conditions, secured increased funding to do so at various levels of government, and stood up for the rights of affected communities.
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