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CROI 2020 TB Round Up

  • Dorrit Walsh
Treatment Action Group welcomes the flurry of tuberculosis (TB) data reported at the 2020 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). This statement includes a summary of major findings, TAG’s take on them, and a more detailed overview of key findings.
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Isoniazid/Rifapentine (3HP) Access Roadmap and Patent Landscape report cover

Isoniazid/Rifapentine (3HP) Access Roadmap and Patent Landscape

  • Dorrit Walsh
Our publication, Isoniazid/Rifapentine (3HP) Access Roadmap and Patent Landscape, provides a landscape of patent applications filed by the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi on combinations of two essential medicines used to prevent tuberculosis (TB): isoniazid and rifapentine.
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An Activist’s Guide to the LAM Test

  • Chad Cipiti

Tuberculosis (TB) is the number one killer of people living with HIV/AIDS, causing one in three of all AIDS-related deaths. People living with HIV are at increased risk of developing TB, and of dying from it—especially when they have advanced…

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