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The Tuberculosis Treatment Pipeline

  • Chad Cipiti

Updates to this chapter can be found in the postscript at the end of this page. Original Report July 2012 By Erica Lessem Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) persists as a global health problem, suffering from both insufficient funding and political will.…

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TB LAM Testing Briefs, 2019

  • Chad Cipiti

April 10, 2019 – Tuberculosis (TB) is the number-one killer of people living with HIV. Using TB lipoarabinomannan (LAM) tests, an inexpensive, urine-based test, has been proven to decrease mortality rates and allow for earlier diagnosis among people living with…

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Mark Harrington Senate Briefing Transcript, 3-28-19

  • Chad Cipiti

TAG’s executive director Mark Harrington spoke at the U.S. Senate briefing held on March 28, 2019, not long after World TB Day. He invoked the stories of leaders that had tuberculosis, such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Nelson Mandela, on the…

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Closing the Gap in Tuberculosis Research and Development Funding Briefs

  • Chad Cipiti
In our two briefs, Closing the Gap in Tuberculosis Research and Development Funding: Actions for U.S. Government Executive Agencies and Actions for U.S. Congress, we detail how a funding increase of 0.1 percent, based on "fair share" of research capacity, would close the funding gap in TB R&D, catalyze new public health tools we need to create positive health outcomes among communities vulnerable to TB worldwide.
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MDR-TB Treatment Guideline Communication from NYC DOHMH

  • Chad Cipiti
On January 11, 2019, TB Project Co-Director Lindsay McKenna attended a half-day conference hosted by the NYC Bureau of Tuberculosis Control. The recommendations from the conference are included in the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s press release on the event, which you can download below.
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