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Reality Check: The Price of Bedaquiline

  • Chad Cipiti

Bedaquiline is now recommended as a core part of drug-resistant TB treatment, but price is a major concern to ensuring all who need treatment with bedaquiline receive it. The public has made significant investments in the development and introduction of bedaquiline,…

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Right to Science Submission – October, 2018

  • Chad Cipiti
The right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications is a fundamental human right and one of the central pillars of TAG's advocacy to promote TB research and access to its benefits. The right is enshrined in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and further articulated in Article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
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TB, Human Rights, and Universal Periodic Review

  • Chad Cipiti
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a process through which the human rights record of each United Nations member state is reviewed by other countries every five years. As a civil society organization, TAG regularly writes and submits these UPR reports analyzing the TB situations in UN member states, and you can review our UPR reports on this page.
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The Tuberculosis Diagnosis Pipeline for Children

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2018 by Lindsay McKenna Existing tests and those under development that are designed to detect tuberculosis (TB) bacteria (see the Tuberculosis Diagnosis Pipeline, coming soon) are suboptimal for children, who often have fewer TB bacteria in their bodies than…

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The Tuberculosis Prevention Pipeline for Children

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2018 by Lindsay McKenna Tuberculosis (TB) prevention research is advancing (see The Tuberculosis Prevention Pipeline), yet the inclusion of children in these studies to ensure they benefit from such advances is inconsistent. Promisingly, studies to evaluate the use of…

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The Tuberculosis Treatment Pipeline for Children

  • Chad Cipiti

July 2018 by Lindsay McKenna Pharmacokinetic (PK) and safety studies in children continue to progress, producing a steady flow of data (Table 2). Yet the translation of research and development gains into policy and access for children with tuberculosis (TB)…

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Activists: Call On Your Countries To Use BDQ-Based Regimens to Treat TB

  • Chad Cipiti
GCTA, TAG, and DR-TB STAT developed this letter template to help activists to call for bedaquiline-based, injectable-free regimens in their countries. Please download this template letter here and use it in your country to advocate for the best care possible for people with drug-resistant TB.
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Funding for TB Research: Recent Momentum Must Inspire Bold Commitments

  • Chad Cipiti
In advance of the first-ever United Nations High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis (TB), a new brief from Treatment Action Group (TAG) — Funding for TB Research: Recent Momentum Must Inspire Bold Commitments — shows that global funding for TB research and development (R&D) reached a new high of USD $767.8 million in 2017.
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Research Priorities for Pediatric Tuberculosis

  • Chad Cipiti
This document (not a TAG publication) presents an overview of paediatric TB research efforts already underway and their limitations; and highlights priorities for future research initiatives in epidemiology, basic science, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and operational research.
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