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2017 Report on TB Research Funding Trends

  • Chad Cipiti
The world spent $726 million on tuberculosis (TB) research in 2016, marking the first time annual spending has exceeded $700 million since TAG began tracking funding in 2005. Although this figure is $105 million above 2015 levels, it remains woefully inadequate when judged against the innovation gaps holding back the TB response and the ambitious global goals to end the TB epidemic by 2030.
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US Health & Human Services (HHS) Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022: TAG Comments to the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

  • Chad Cipiti
TAG comments submitted to the Strategic Planning Team at the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation regarding the HHS Strategic Plan FY 2018-2022. The HHS Strategic Plan should set a precedent for reducing the burden of disease nationally through its focus on access to affordable treatment, advancement of research, implementation of evidence-based interventions, expansion of populations served, and inclusion of all stakeholders.
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Expanding the Use of the TB LAM Test for People with HIV

  • Dorrit Walsh

TAG and partners hosted this webinar on October 3, 2017.  Speakers included Lynette Mabote, AIDS & Rights Alliance for Southern Africa; Lindiwe Mvusi, Department of Health,  Republic of South Africa; Stephen Wanjala, MSF; and Wayne van Gemert, Global Drug Facility.…

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TAG Letter to House E&C Committee Opposing “Right to Try” Bills

  • Chad Cipiti
TAG’s comments to the Health Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee, in association with its hearing, “Examining Patient Access to Investigational Drugs,” and the deliberations of H.R. 1020, the Compassionate Freedom of Choice Act of 2017, and S. 204, the Right to Try Act of 2017.
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