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On Targets and Timelines

  • Chad Cipiti

By Tim Horn With growing recognition that science and discovery have forged the tools necessary to effectively diagnose, treat, and, indeed, eliminate three of the world’s most lethal infectious diseases—HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and hepatitis C—there is a need for greater mobilization…

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TAGline Spring 2015

  • Chad Cipiti
On Targets and Timelines: With growing recognition that science and discovery have forged the tools necessary to effectively diagnose, treat, and, indeed, eliminate three of the world’s most lethal infectious diseases—HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and hepatitis C—there is a need for greater mobilization and strengthened accountability among all stakeholders.
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2014 TAG Update

  • Chad Cipiti
TAG’s annual review of progress we’ve made on the the fight to end HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, and Tuberculosis.
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Activists Urge Otsuka to Provide Access to TB Drug

  • Chad Cipiti
Tuberculosis (TB) activists interrupted Otsuka’s symposium at the 45th Conference on World Lung Health, calling for widespread registration of and immediate broad compassionate use access to delamanid, Otsuka’s new drug to treat multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB).
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Tuberculosis Research at Risk as Big Pharma Shutters Programs

  • Chad Cipiti
Worldwide governments, foundations, and companies invested US$676.7 million in research to develop new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics against tuberculosis (TB) in 2013—barely one-third of the US$2 billion that experts estimate the world must spend each year to end the global TB epidemic—according to an analysis released today by Treatment Action Group.
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2014 Report on TB Research Funding Trends

  • Chad Cipiti

2014 Report on Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends, 2005–2013. 2nd Edition May 18, 2015 By Mike Frick Edited by Mark Harrington and Andrea Benzacar From the Executive Summary Reader beware: funding data presented in this report may be less encouraging than…

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Generics vs. the Giant

  • Chad Cipiti

For people with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), generic linezolid may be a lifesaver. But only if quality-assured versions are available and affordable Erica Lessem As new drugs bedaquiline and delamanid offer renewed hope of treating DR-TB, doctors and programs are faced…

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Safeguarding against Stock-Outs

  • Chad Cipiti

The time has come for U.S. tuberculosis programs to have full access to the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility procurement and stockpile safety nets Kenyon Farrow Generic drugs can be credited with saving millions of lives by allowing for…

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