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TAGline Fall 2014

  • Chad Cipiti
Hello Generics: A Drug by Any Other Name; The Road to Treatment Access; Safeguarding Against Stockouts; Generics vs. the Giant
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An Activist’s Guide to Linezolid (Zyvox)

  • Chad Cipiti

By Erica Lessem and Lauren Volpert September 2014 I. Introduction Increasingly drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis (TB) are becoming more common worldwide, and few medicines are available to treat them.1 Newly developed TB drugs, such as bedaquiline and delamanid, offer some…

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An Activist’s Guide to Delamanid (Deltyba)

  • Chad Cipiti
Tuberculosis (TB) continues to kill over a million people each year, and multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB is a growing problem with few treatment options. In April 2014, delamanid was approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of TB, becoming only the second new drug from a new drug class (after bedaquiline) to receive such approval in over forty years.
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2014 Pipeline Report

  • Chad Cipiti

July 20, 2014 HIV, HCV, and TB Drugs, Diagnostics, Vaccines, Preventive Technologies, Research Toward a Cure, and Immune-Based and Gene Therapies in Development Written by Polly Clayden, Simon Collins, Colleen Daniels, Mike Frick, Mark Harrington, Tim Horn, Richard Jefferys, Karyn…

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Punked by Pharma: Public Funds for Private Products

  • Chad Cipiti

Tax dollars are making it easier for the drug and diagnostics industry to develop and market essential TB products. Is the public getting a fair return on its investment?   By Lindsay McKenna Motivating the pharmaceutical industry to step up and…

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TAGline Spring 2014

  • Chad Cipiti

NEWS ON THE FIGHT TO END HIV/AIDS, VIRAL HEPATITIS, AND TUBERCULOSIS Spring 2014 The April Fools' Issue: April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. —Mark…

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Falling Funding for Tuberculosis Research Threatens to Derail TB Elimination Efforts in the United States

  • Chad Cipiti
The goal of eliminating tuberculosis (TB) as a public health threat in the United States is under threat, a new policy brief released today by Treatment Action Group (TAG) shows. Analysis conducted by TAG reveals that spending on TB research and development (R&D) among U.S. government agencies declined from 2009 to 2012 in the face of budget instability, sequestration, and the rising costs of biomedical research.
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Letter Urging AstraZeneca to Continue to Invest in TB Research

  • Dorrit Walsh

February 13, 2014 TAG, CRAG, and the TB CAB sent an open letter to AstraZeneca urging their continued investment in tuberculosis research despite the cessation of AstraZeneca’s Neglected Tropical Diseases, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Program. Read/Download the TAG, CRAG, TB CAB…

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