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2013 Report on TB Research Funding Trends

  • Chad Cipiti

2013 Report on Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends, 2005–2012 NOVEMBER 2013 BY Mike Frick and Eleonora Jiménez-Levi Edited by Mark Harrington From the Executive Summary Over the last eight years, Treatment Action Group (TAG) has tracked annual spending on tuberculosis research…

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An Obligatory Overhaul to Address Domestic TB Drug Shortages

  • Chad Cipiti

Bold strategies are required to remedy frequent stock-outs and supply interruptions By Lindsay McKenna Drug shortages, especially of tuberculosis (TB) drugs, have become increasingly common in the United States. Over the past year alone, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control…

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U.S. TB Control: From Confidence to Crisis

  • Chad Cipiti

Funding cuts and shifting budgetary priorities threaten tuberculosis gains By Coco Jervis The United States is losing ground in its fight against the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic within its own borders. Sequestration and shifting priorities of Congress and the Obama administration…

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TAGline Fall 2013

  • Chad Cipiti
The Domestic Issue: We're at a stalemate. This issue of TAGline underscores TAG’s commitment to ending AIDS in the United States and realizing the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.
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Roadmap for Childhood TB: Towards Zero Deaths

  • Chad Cipiti
The World Health Organization, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, the Stop TB Partnership and other partners will launch a roadmap outlining the path towards zero deaths from childhood tuberculosis.  
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2013 Pipeline Report

  • Chad Cipiti
Drugs, Diagnostics, Vaccines, Preventive Technologies, Research Toward a Cure, and Immune-Based and Gene Therapies in Development: Written by Polly Clayden, Simon Collins, Colleen Daniels, Mike Frick, Mark Harrington, Tim Horn, Richard Jefferys, Karyn Kaplan, Erica Lessem, and Tracy Swan
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TB Quick Facts

  • Chad Cipiti

What Is Tuberculosis (TB)? Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is a type of bacterium (sometimes called a bug) that, for thousands of years, has caused TB disease (called consumption in the past). TB remains a major, if often unnoticed, problem today. TB…

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Silent Crisis

  • Chad Cipiti
On January 18, 2013, in Washington, D.C., TAG held a consultation on the domestic TB drug shortage crisis. The meeting was cosponsored by PATH, RESULTS, the Center for Global Health Policy, and the American Thoracic Society.
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