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A Necessary Transformation

  • Chad Cipiti

Simultaneous, not sequential, evaluations of novel drug regimens needed to speed TB treatment research By Lindsay McKenna An example of a multi-arm multi-stage (MAMS) phase II trial design. At the first interim analysis, novel regimen 2 is considered to lack…

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Sanofi’s Double-Edged Sword

  • Chad Cipiti

Rifapentine’s manufacturer helps to advance TB research while stalling access By Erica Lessem Sanofi-Aventis, manufacturer of the tuberculosis (TB) drug rifapentine (Priftin), can be credited for aiding research efforts to shorten and simplify treatment dosing for TB. However, the company’s…

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TB Drugs for Children

  • Chad Cipiti

Poor treatment options spur innovative research strategies By Polly Clayden, HIV i-Base Pediatric Drug Development Considerations: Pharmacokinetics There is an old adage in pediatric medicine: children are not little adults. This is particularly true when it comes to tuberculosis, for…

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Advancing Research, Securing Access

  • Chad Cipiti

By Mark Harrington Now in its 20th year of publication, TAGline has long sought to inform its readers and TAG supporters of the myriad research and policy challenges we face as a community in the ongoing fight against HIV and…

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TAGline Spring 2013

  • Chad Cipiti
Advancing Research, Securing Access: Now in its 20th year of publication, TAGline has long sought to inform its readers and TAG supporters of the myriad research and policy challenges we face as a community in the ongoing fight against HIV and two of its insidious comorbidities, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis. Many of these challenges are inextricably intertwined, as we highlight in this issue focusing on specific clinical research and treatment-access hurdles threatening progress for all three diseases.
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Children with Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Require Urgent Attention

  • Chad Cipiti
Treatment Action Group (TAG), in partnership with the Sentinel Project on Pediatric Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (Sentinel Project) released today We Can Heal: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment, Care and Support: Addressing Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Children. This collection, released in anticipation of World TB Day on March 24, calls for urgent attention to the global problem of pediatric drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB).
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TB Zeroes Campaign Achieves Big Win

  • Chad Cipiti

by Erica Lessem The world has recently called for zero new TB deaths, infections, and suffering, and that voice has been heard. Treatment Action Group (TAG), along with other activists, researchers, clinicians, implementers, policy makers, and foundation and government staff…

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TAGline Winter 2013 cover

TAGline Winter 2013

  • Chad Cipiti
Grief Is a Sword: A Eulogy for Spencer Cox; A Global Plan to End AIDS Everywhere but at Home ; On the Edge: Uncertainty Grows over HIV Budgets; Data Deluge at AASLD; Beyond ARVs: Advocacy for Non-AIDS Disease Management; TB Zeroes Campaign Achieves Big Win; TAG Welcomes the FDA Approval of the First New Drug for TB in 40 Years; Help Support Inclusion of Pegylated Interferon on the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List; Guide to Clinical Trials for People with Hepatitis C.
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