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TAG’s TB/HIV Project: International Advocacy Update

  • Chad Cipiti

International Advocacy Update By Claire Wingfield TPresentations from TAG’s recent meeting on universal access to TB and HIV treatment, care, and prevention as well as TAG ’s Funding Trends in TB R&D 2005–2007: A Preliminary Report, are available online. The…

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International Health Partnership: Just Another Initiative?

  • Chad Cipiti

Just Another Initiative? By Sue Perez Despite the constant uphill battle in getting its issues on the table and our concerns heard, civil society recognizes that the International Health Partnership presents opportunities. Launched in September 2007 by UK Prime Minister…

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Action Needed against TB/HIV and the MDR- and XDR-TB Crisis

  • Chad Cipiti

By Theo Smart and Javid Syed A TAG-sponsored forum in South Africa brought together scientists, policy makers, and community activists to discuss multidrug resistant and extensively drug resistant TB and HIV and to identify steps to address the growing crisis.…

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Faster TB Test for Resource-Limited Settings

  • Chad Cipiti

By Theo Smart First published February 2, 2007 on A large multicenter study conducted in Honduras and Brazil has shown that a new and relatively simple technique to detect active tuberculosis (TB), the microscopic observation drug susceptibility (MODS) test,…

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Tuberculosis Research & Development: A Critical Analysis

  • Chad Cipiti

TAG interviewed 100 institutions and documented the top 40 investors in TB R&D in 2005. Results highlighted in the report showed that new tools including diagnostics, drugs and vaccines received combined funding of $206 million in 2005 -- diagnostics, $16…

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How We Treat TB Today: A Talk With Gavin Churchyard

  • Chad Cipiti

A Talk With Gavin Churchyard By Mark Harrington Professor Gavin Churchyard is the director of the Aurum Institute for Health Research, which provides health care services to many mining companies in South Africa but is also an independent health research…

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TB Transmission in Healthcare Settings

  • Chad Cipiti

By Theo Smart In all the news and hype about the cases of extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, there has been surprisingly little discussion about how and where many of the people acquired the XDR-TB…

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Overlapping Epidemics: TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis

  • Chad Cipiti

TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis By Tracy Swan Disturbing reports of overlapping TB, HIV, and viral hepatitis epidemics emerged at the 2005 International AIDS Society Conference. In the newly independent states of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, HIV incidence continues…

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