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TAG 2003: The Year at a Glance

  • Chad Cipiti

by Rob Camp January: starts as new TAG's Antiviral Project Director. Rob and Mark to Houston for ATAC structure meeting to develop stronger national coalition, then to D.C. for Federal AIDS Policy Partnership meeting. Talk of coming assault on Medicaid…

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TAG at Ten: The Year 2002

  • Chad Cipiti

January: HIV vaccine papers in Nature by Merck's Emilio Emini, Harvard's Dan Barouch. February: First ATAC (AIDS Treatment Activist Conference) teach-in, Seattle (seventy people attend), followed by ATAC/BMS meeting and Retrovirus conference. NIH cancels large phase III canarypox HIV vaccine…

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TAG at Ten: The Year 2001

  • Chad Cipiti

January: TAG's Gregg Gonsalves becomes GMHC Director of Treatment Policy. Completion of STI Workshop 2000 report. FDA hearing on salvage therapy trial design. Merck meeting on promising DNA/adenovirus HIV vaccine. TAG mobilizes 600 signatures on global letter to Glaxo decrying…

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TAG at Ten: The Year 2000

  • Chad Cipiti

January: NIH workshops on long term effectiveness research, studies designed to look at "when to start" and switch HAART, and for long-term side effects. TAG hires Yvette Delph as new Antiviral Project Director. Completion of TAG's AIDS Vaccine Research at…

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TAG at Ten: The Year 1999

  • Chad Cipiti

January: amfAR's Paul Corser dies after a nine-year struggle with AIDS. FDA approves Glaxo's atovaquone (Mepron) for the prevention of PCP pneumonia. ACT UP/Needle Exchange activist Rod Sorge dies. Retrovirus conference, Chicago. Beatrice Hahn presents on the HIV-1's chimp origins;…

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TAG at Ten: The Year 1998

  • Chad Cipiti

January: TAG community meeting at which John Moore gives update on vaccine research. TAG board member Marvin Shulman says farewell to New York life and heads for a full-time residency in South Miami Beach. FDA approves dental dams. Monica Lewinsky…

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TAG at Ten: 1992 – 2002

  • Chad Cipiti

  Jan 22 Treatment Action Group (TAG) splits off from the Treatment + Data (T+D) Committee of ACT UP/New York. Our media debut: Catherine Woodard's "AIDS Hit Squad Seeks More Than Attention," Newsday, 1.22.92. Jan 27 Eight Treatment Action Guerillas…

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