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TAGline Winter 2013 cover

TAGline Winter 2013

  • Chad Cipiti
Grief Is a Sword: A Eulogy for Spencer Cox; A Global Plan to End AIDS Everywhere but at Home ; On the Edge: Uncertainty Grows over HIV Budgets; Data Deluge at AASLD; Beyond ARVs: Advocacy for Non-AIDS Disease Management; TB Zeroes Campaign Achieves Big Win; TAG Welcomes the FDA Approval of the First New Drug for TB in 40 Years; Help Support Inclusion of Pegylated Interferon on the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List; Guide to Clinical Trials for People with Hepatitis C.
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GeneXpert Rapid TB Test Price Reduced in Historic Agreement

  • Chad Cipiti

By Coco Jervis After months of political wrangling, in early July 2012, an agreement to reduce the price of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF rapid test for tuberculosis (TB) was reached between the manufacturer, Cepheid, and pooled purchasers UNITAID, the U.S. President's Emergency…

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Getting to Zero—Join the Movement!

  • Chad Cipiti

By Colleen Daniels Tuberculosis (TB), a 40,000-year-old disease, still devastates communities although it has been preventable—and curable—for decades. In 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 8.8 million TB cases—1.4 million of them fatal—worldwide. TB is the leading cause of…

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Cure-Related Research at AIDS 2012

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Jefferys At the recent International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C. (AIDS 2012), the research effort to develop a cure for HIV infection attained a higher profile than it ever has in the past. At a press conference on…

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Only Stronger U.S. Leadership Can End the AIDS Epidemic

  • Chad Cipiti

Existing treatment and prevention techniques could prevent millions of new HIV infections and deaths from AIDS—but only if Obama sustains funding. By Mark Harrington This article was first published on 24 July 2012 in Four years ago, President Obama's…

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TAGline Fall 2012

  • Chad Cipiti
TAG at 20 – Part II: On a Darkling Plain—The Years of Despair; Only Stronger U.S. Leadership Can End the AIDS Epidemic; Cure-Related Research at AIDS 2012; The Future of TB in the United States: Going, or Growing?; Getting to Zero—Join the Movement!; GeneXpert Rapid TB Test Price Reduced in Historic Agreement
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AIDS Drug Assistance Program in Crisis

  • Chad Cipiti

Over 3,500 people with HIV are on waiting lists for lifesaving antiretroviral drugs. Many more lack access because of other funding cuts and program restrictions. Congress and President Barack Obama must act now to make sure all persons with HIV…

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