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TB Transmission in Healthcare Settings

  • Chad Cipiti

By Theo Smart In all the news and hype about the cases of extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, there has been surprisingly little discussion about how and where many of the people acquired the XDR-TB…

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Gut Reactions

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Jefferys The biggest obstacle to understanding how HIV causes immune damage is the complexity of the human immune system, a vast collection of different cells and tissues that typically work together in concert to protect against disease. HIV…

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Update: Leaking LPS

  • Chad Cipiti

As this issue went to press, a paper appeared from Daniel Douek and colleagues reporting data which, the authors argue, further supports the model of HIV pathogenesis outlined in their Nature Immunology review. Douek's group had previously speculated that one…

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In Brief

  • Chad Cipiti

Stavudine Associated With Risk for Type-2 Diabetes Generic Efavirenz/Tenofovir/FTC Combo Compulsory License for Efavirenz in Thailand Why Do People Still Die After Taking ARVs? Is it the Brand of Drugs? Stavudine Associated With Risk for Type-2 Diabetes By Simon Collins,…

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GRACE Under Pressure

  • Chad Cipiti

By Rob Camp Tibotec's clinical development program for the protease inhibitor darunavir (Prezista, TMC114) delivered the drug to market several months ahead of schedule. But even as it began shipping to pharmacies around the country one nagging uncertainty remained: Would…

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Editorial: What’s Next?

  • Chad Cipiti

Leadership Lacking in Move From 3x5 to Universal Access By Mark Harrington The past year saw a number of post mortems about the World Health Organization's "3x5" initiative to support countries in treating at least 50% of their HIV-infected populations…

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SMART Stops Stopping

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Jefferys The Strategies for the Management of Antiretroviral Therapy (SMART) trial was designed to investigate whether antiretroviral therapy could be used on an as-needed basis rather than continuously. The protocol involved interrupting therapy when the CD4 count was…

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HCV at CROI: Growing Chasm Between Bench and Bedside

  • Chad Cipiti

Growing Chasm Between Bench and Bedside By Tracy Swan Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV/HCV coinfection were prominently featured at this year's Retrovirus conference. Coverage ranged from scientific progress in the laboratory to treatment access in the clinic. During the…

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Overlapping Epidemics: TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis

  • Chad Cipiti

TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis By Tracy Swan Disturbing reports of overlapping TB, HIV, and viral hepatitis epidemics emerged at the 2005 International AIDS Society Conference. In the newly independent states of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, HIV incidence continues…

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