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Immune-Based Therapies Still Languish

  • Chad Cipiti

By Richard Jeffreys The field of immune-based therapies (IBT) offers hope that researchers can develop strategies allowing people with HIV to delay or interrupt antiretroviral therapy, ideally reducing drug resistance problems and side effects due to HAART (highly active antiretroviral…

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TAG at Ten: The Year 2002

  • Chad Cipiti

January: HIV vaccine papers in Nature by Merck's Emilio Emini, Harvard's Dan Barouch. February: First ATAC (AIDS Treatment Activist Conference) teach-in, Seattle (seventy people attend), followed by ATAC/BMS meeting and Retrovirus conference. NIH cancels large phase III canarypox HIV vaccine…

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TAG at Ten: The Year 2001

  • Chad Cipiti

January: TAG's Gregg Gonsalves becomes GMHC Director of Treatment Policy. Completion of STI Workshop 2000 report. FDA hearing on salvage therapy trial design. Merck meeting on promising DNA/adenovirus HIV vaccine. TAG mobilizes 600 signatures on global letter to Glaxo decrying…

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