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Delivering on the Promise of Long-Acting Technologies

  • Dorrit Walsh

By Susan Swindells* and Mark Harrington This issue of TAGline explores the exciting opportunities and challenges that come with the development of long-acting formulations for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. For many years to date, patients and providers…

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cover image of November 2020 TAGline

TAGline November 2020

  • Dorrit Walsh
'The Struggle of a Lifetime' (Continued): The words of the late Honorable John Lewis ring powerfully true today. In the U.S., as we welcome a new President-elect and Vice President-elect, we must also defend democracy to ensure a complete, peaceful transition of power. We engage in the struggles generations before us have advanced, despite myriad challenges and emerging new threats such as COVID-19.
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TAGline May 2020

  • Dorrit Walsh
Realizing the Right to Science: When we started to put together this issue of TAGline, we had no idea that COVID-19 was about to make its appearance and wreak havoc on every country of the world.
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Full cover image of November 2019 TAGline - Vote your ConSCIENCE: Elevating Health Justic in the 2020 Elections

TAGline November 2019

  • Dorrit Walsh
Vote Your ConSCIENCE: Elevating Health Justice in the 2020 Elections. 2020 marks the eighth U.S. presidential election cycle since Treatment Action Group’s founding in 1992. A hallmark of our activism has been to prepare for each presidential and congressional election cycle strategically, to ensure that whoever is elected, and whoever controls the House and the Senate, is informed about the best scientifically grounded research and policy and research programs.
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Breaking Down Walls in Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

  • Chad Cipiti

How the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant stance threatens human rights, public health, and the lives of people living with TB By Erica Lessem and Suraj Madoori Perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the current presidential administration and the campaign that led…

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TAGline May 2019

  • Chad Cipiti
Nothing About Us Without Us: This TAGline is all about the importance of community engagement in research to end the epidemics of HIV, HCV, and TB. As this edition’s cover shows, protestors at the “Storm the NIH” demonstration and die-in in May 1990 demanded political will and funding for research, and equitable access to treatment for HIV.
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TAGline Fall 2018

  • Chad Cipiti
Bringing Down the House on Intellectual Property and Access: As the Trump administration makes noise about the high price of pharmaceuticals while doubling down on its commitment to “protect the engine of American ingenuity,” this issue of TAGline dives deep into the rhetoric and realities of intellectual property (IP) protections and the current wave of political shenanigans on critical drugs, surfacing the fundamental lies and vested interests that deny medication to those in need in the United States and around the world.
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