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Coming, Going and Gone: The Drug Development Pipeline, 2001

  • Chad Cipiti

The Drug Development Pipeline, 2001 Development Terminated GW420867X/HBY1293 GlaxoSmithKline JAIDS 2000; also summer IAS meeting ALX40-4C Allelix Pharmaceuticals Formulation difficulties, lack of efficacy AMD3100 AnorMed Inc. Cardiac arrhythmias at high doses, lack of efficacy at low PD-178390 Parke-Davis Casualty of…

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Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) and HIV Disease Progression

  • Chad Cipiti

The link between HLA types and HIV disease progression has been known for over a decade now from, among others, analyses of data from the Multi-Center AIDS Cohort (MACS). McMichael and colleagues have also documented CTL escape through the mutation…

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