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Stalled in the Gates: The Not So Accelerated Access Initiative

  • Chad Cipiti

The Not So Accelerated Access Initiative By Mark Harrington In early April the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) held a small, secretive meeting in Hsbjr, Norway, on "Differential Pricing and Financing of Essential Drugs." Initially,…

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Needleless Retinitis Therapy with FDA Approval of Oral CMV Drug

  • Chad Cipiti

Twelve Years in Coming On February 27th the FDA's Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee met to consider an application for approval of Hoffmann-La Roche's valganciclovir for the treatment of CMV retinitis in people with AIDS. Michael Marco prepared this position paper…

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FDA Discusses Trial Design for Salvage Therapy

  • Chad Cipiti

Bemoaning Virtual Monotherapy In January the Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee of the FDA met to discuss the trial design for salvage therapy in HIV infection. TAG's Yvette Delph was there and prepared this report. The meeting, chaired by Roy Gulick…

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Brazil 1, Merck 0: The Cost of Generic Drugs in Brazil

  • Chad Cipiti

The Cost of Generic Drugs in Brazil   Indinavir Efavirenz USA $6,000(1) $4,700 Brazil (generic) $2,928 $2,545 Brazil (Merck 2001) $1,029 $920 "Low" HDI(2) country $600 $500 Price per year per person. Human Development Index of the United Nations, composite…

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Open Letter to Pharma Execs

  • Chad Cipiti

"We have never been against patents. We have been against monopoly." -- Dr. Yusuf Hamied, CEO, Cipla Dear Sirs: We are writing as a coalition of AIDS treatment advocates, educators, and service providers to request that GlaxoSmithKline immediately withdraw from participation…

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March 5th: Day of Global Direct Action for Drug Access

  • Chad Cipiti

An international coalition of 65 activist groups and over 100 AIDS activists, educators, health care workers and service providers from six continents and many countries around the world today called on GlaxoSmithKline, one of the world's largest drug companies, to…

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